Meeting up with people who have lost loved one

I lost my wife to cancer recently and I have never felt so alone. I am experiencing all kinds of extreme emotions from grief to guilt. I really want to connect and talk to others who have been through this terrible period.

  • Hi there,

    Sorry to hear your loss. Loss of our loved one is unbearable, unbelievable. Feels like whole world is upside down, it's extremely painful. There is no answer why? But I keep asking myself why? How??

    Try to contact Cruise Bereavement, GP, or go for walk you might get some comfort though it's hard just a little bit distraction to ease your pain. 
    Look after yourself 

    Ash x

  • Hi l lost my partner to cancer on 2/12/2020 she did not want to go in a hospice so she stayed at home every week was awful watching her in pain I worked full time still do not one bit of help from the firm I work for so when I came home 2.30 in afternoon I was her caregiver till 6.00in morning I think the worst part is doing all you can then your left alone with nothing to do my head is all over the place but I know you can not change anything we have to carry on one of the worst things is not one of my family or her friends  every rang her up or me to see how things are going they still haven't my Nan always said in life there's only one person you can depend on yourself which is true people who you know don't want to know but one day it happens to everyone you have good days bad days but that's what life is 

  • Hi Ash, yes I walk sometimes and speak with some friends.

    My parents are staying with me now so my mind keeps distracted. 

    It is difficult to see a way forward and I keep blaming myself for many things. 

    But yes I try to keep my mind distracted as much as I can.

    I am sorry for your loss Ash x

  • Hi there, I am so sorry to hear about your loss - it sounds like we are in very similar situation.

    I lost my Angel on Christmas day and it just all happened so fast.

    Fortunately, my company (pret a manger), insisted I stay on furlough the entire time and I still am. I can't believe your company didn't help you.

    I try constantly to distract my mind to achieve some kind of peace but it is hard. The worst thing is I keep asking myself if I did enough and did I show her enough love. 

    I think it is important to have people around you at this time - it really helps to talk. Right now my parents are staying with me.

    Hang in there - I am sure something good will happen for both of us.

    Rich x

  • Hi there,

    I'm  glad you have some friends to help you at this difficult time and your parents are there for you which is definitely a help to ease your pain. 
    There  is no right or wrong. We all try our best to help and save  our loved ones. Do not feel guilty, think of good times you had together, you will cherish those memories. Though it's too raw for you to think anything else at the moment. One step at a time.

    It's four months two weeks since my precious son passed away so sudden, so quick, life is cruel. Will be starting my work soon, as I worked for a month as a Phased Return. I have understanding manager and colleagues, works helps me to distract my mind, even though I cry everyday despite my families and friends support, I feel so empty, sad.

    Take care, look  after yourself

    big hug

    Ash x

  • Hi i lost my wife on the 22/12/ 2020 she was everything to me  mother of our children  my best friend  my lover  my everything  I'm so sorry for your loss  

  • Hi Chris, we both have to get through this.

    I know that my wife would not want me to be like this.

    She would want me to live my life.

    If anything I have to try to be strong for her.

    You too and at least you have children to cherish and love from the relationship.

    Rich x

  •  I no what your saying about  keeping strong my wife would  want the same for me and the kids but we all feel a massive pice or all our hearts ripped out  things will get better in time I hope. As you  probably feel the same you have lost your best friend - sole mate- rock - lover  lover  is hurting me the most at the mo but  changes every 5 minutes 

  • Yes I know - I have just had a really bad hour.

    I feel empty and that there is no point to life.

    No meaning to anything anymore along with a massive feeling of guilt.

    I just feel that she is still with me by my side - trying to tell me that everything is ok.

    Everything will be ok.

  • I know what you are going through, I lost my husband back in June, my emotions are all over the place, I hide my emotions, which probably is not the thing to do, but I do put a front on, but inside I am screaming. It's so difficult, becsuse you can not meet people to talk about your emotions and how you really feel. I am so scared since losing my husband, it's horrible being on your own in the house. I do go for walks, but don't like going on my own. I really miss going to my gym, which helped mentally so much, I just feel punished, and there is nothing we can do until this dreadful pandemic goes. They don't know the half how many people are suffering in silence. But I really feel your pain, it's going to take time to ease. It is important to try and get out to clear your head. It's just a horrible time, please look after yourself.