Massage and Complementary therapies for cancer care

I am a teacher of Complementary therapies and also a practising therapist. Many salons and spas are being told firmly that they can not treat clients with cancer. This causes distress and embarrassment for both the client and Therapist when as a "treat"  a friend or family member books they book a spa day as a treat only to be turned away on arrival.                  

The client with cancer is often willing to sign a disclaimer saying their oncologist has recommended massage (I have checked and found this to be true). I have also spoken to various underwritters from insurance companies who will still say no to verbal consent.

Written consent seems to be time consuming and some of our clients beg us to take verbal consent. 

Where do we draw the line no ti Indian Head massage and yes to a facial? No to reflexology but a pedicure is ok?

I am currently doing some research into this working with experts in cancer care and also insurance companies. 

I would value any input and advice to tharapists on this. Also would welcome any feedback from cancer patients that have experienced being turned away from treatment in a salin or spa and equally those that have found having treatments to be beneficial.

  • I live in north east Scotland and we have a cancer charity here called CLAN, (cancer link Aberdeen and northeast). They offer complementary therapies as part of their service free of charge. I find it a wonderful service and my cancer team were all for it. Even encouraging me to try things like Aqua detox.

  • Im a cemplementary therapist. I have cancer. I have healing once amonth at church. I think anything that makes you better is beneficial. If you have amassage, tell them to do it gently. Sometimes the toxinsthat are released require a large glass of water. To flush them out. Im having 3 weeks of Radiotherapy soon. I hope I can complete the course. As I have Parkinsons as well. The travelling will be wearisom. Still no more cancer after that hopefull. Good luck to everyone who is having operations and various treatments. I find a meditation app my son gaveme on the mobile phone very calming. love C