Many symptoms of bowel cancer. Pls help me

I've been suffering with several severe symptoms since the end of October and they're only getting worse.

i've lost two stone since it started, it began one night where I had severe abdominal pain, diarrhoea, and threw up. Since then I've suffered with constant abdominal pain and won't have a bowel motion for about two or three weeks at a time. I know the pain is not caused by constipation because even when I do manage to go none of the symptoms ease up in the slightest. I've started getting blood in my stools and clots of blood in mucus when I have a bowel motion with very thin stools. i'm in so much pain and nobody is taking me seriously because I'm only 21. I have a long family history of bowel cancer and issues at young ages. my doctor refuses to refer me for any treatment or tests because of my age but she did do a blood test which came back that I was severely anaemic. I've decided to go private for a couple of tests now as no one is listening to me, I've had an ultrasound which came back clear because it can't actually see my bowels or inside my stomach and I have an MRI coming up. i'm going to book a colonoscopy too. I haven't been able to eat anything or drink barely at all but my stomach is huge. I feel nauseous 24 seven and I'm so weak I can't really do anything, even when I force myself to eat I don't feel any less weak or dizzy.  I attended A&E a few days ago and they put me on a drip, and again I was told that they won't do anything because I'm so young and it's so unlikely to be anything bad so I was sent home with painkillers.

Blood tests cleared me of any infection or inflammation. Kidney function normal, thyroid normal, liver came back abnormal but no concern, very low on iron and ferritin. I cant function at all i'm so weak exhausted and in extreme pain. they found blood in my stools when i begged for a stool test and urine test, found ketones in my urine and blood, but refuse to test me anymore. I don't know what to do I'm really at a loss I know something is severely wrong it's getting worse by the day but no one is taking me seriously what do I do. 

  • Hi, I've just read your post whilst seeking some help myself, wow I can't believe the amount of "you're too young" BS you're being given. 
    I was 19 and went through something similar and I after being sent home (one of many) from hospital one day I literally just felt as though I was going to die and nobody was listening. 
    The truth was I would of died and only a few days later on New Year's Eve finally they realised I wasn't being dramatic and was rushed into theatre as an emergency.

    yes you're very young but you KNOW something is happening which needs medical intervention so my advice would be to say that YOU know your own body better than any of the medical experts and you KNOW there is something which absolutely warrants proper investigation.

    trust your instincts every time and don't be fobbed off at any point, it is hard to push back without feeling uncomfortable about it but in your case, you must be feeling tierd and unwell.... you are more than deserving of someone to listen to you and feel your concerns are valid and hear you properly. Go private if you have to, its worth it. 
    good luck xx


  • Hi, 
    Im so sorry you had to go through that, that's awful. Honestly you're right, age doesn't mean a thing, you know your body more than anyone and if something doesn't feel right then you need to get help! Spent all last night crying in pain and fear because I just don't  know what to do. I've decided I'm going to annoy the hell out of my doctors until they want me to shut up so much they test me :laugh::laugh:

    Hoping for the best tho xox

  • Im reading this and getting upset. So many people getting fobbed off by their doctors. I kept going to mine with exhaustion, weight dropping off me (Wont do me any harm) stomache ache and was told health anxiety.

    If I was going to pay private for any test pay for colonoscopy. I would even lie now to get one saying you have seen blood in your stool. I know that lying is wrong but had I been listened to I wpuld have been treated earlier x

    Good luck and dont be fobbed off x