Magnesium - interesting addition to Oxaliplatin

Had my third chemo today, after the second being a bit nasty the Oncologist/ specialist nurse decided to do an hour infusion of magnesium and then a small shot of gluclose....... I feel amazing!!! Yes still have tingling in feet and hands, but what an improvement.  If anyone is struggling and this has not been offered it might be worth a try.

Also a very kind tip was given to me on here re lip sore...... Aloe Vera gel it works!!!! Three days and its gone :)

Hope everyone is well..... roll on the 4th round I want to get these 8 cycles done and dusted now 

Happy JB tonight, sending love and blessings to everyone

JB xx

  • Hey JB45,

    Thought I would just say well done for getting through your third chemo. We are so pleased to hear you are feeling better and also that the tip you were given on here was helpful to you.

    It will be done and dusted before you know it - we keep our fingers crossed it all goes smoothly for you!

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thanks Lucie that means so much.  I know my treatment is nothing compared to so many others but I am proud I am getting through it so far without lowering of dose and working full time, well to the best of my ability.

    Roll on 20th Oct for 4th and we will be 50% of the way there :)

    You are all amazing on here

    JB x

  • Hello JB

    Sorry I've not been in touch before now.

    What good news for you.  And still working full time.  What a little show off you are (hee hee).  I'm so pleased for you.  Let's hope that that "tweak" to the chemo has done it for you.

    I had my last chemo last Wednesday (the fourth one; I should have had six but it has been decided to give me radiotherapy now).  So I go for my planning session on Wednesday and then have to go five days a week for five weeks to the hospital.  I can't afford cab fares, the buses take ages to get there, the tube stations all have stairs which I can't negotiate at the moment because my little fat legs are so weak still so the only thing I can think of is to stowaway on a passing plane and parachute into the hospital.  After all, if the Queen can do it for the Olympics then surely I can!?

    I still find it surprising that people who are not actually going through what we are, don't/won't realise what it's like for us.  I had someone ring me the other day to say that, although I felt so tired after the chemo, I sounded all right.  Oh well, that's all that matters, isn't it?  Another phoned to warn me that as I have been told not to have the flu job yet, I should be careful as flu is doing the rounds and if I get it, it could be very nasty.  Yes, thank you.  I am aware of that.  I suppose they mean well but , , , grrr!

    How is work? Are you managing all right and getting used to a full day or is it still tiring for you?  I'm so pleased that you're back to work JB.  That took a lot of stamina and I'm proud of you.  Give yourself a pat on the back from me. 

    I'm glad the Aloe Vera gel worked.  Worth remembering should it be needed in the future although I hope it won't be.

    Take care JB and as the old saying goes "keep up the good work".  Once again, I really am pleased for you.

    A big cuddle for you.

    BB xx

  • Hey BB - thank goodness you ok, was a littl worried mind but also thought you'd be busy etc.... wow ok onto radiation how do you feel about that compared to the chemo?  I am routing for you every step of th way you doing awesome please keep it up ven though I know it is hard.... what about the free transport I mentioned that the NHS provide there must be something..... you simply cannot be expected to do this radiation never mind chemo and still get yourself there and back????? Ludricous idea :( please try ask the hospital!!

    Yes still working full time, but I do balance th days between the office and home.... today tummy little dodgy so stayed at home, but under control at moment so will go in.  Its hard and by 3pm I am really flagging but I am keeping on for now who knows next wek when I have my 4th cycle.  A little concerned as got my results from my bone density scan and they weren't good.  -2.5 is osteporosis and my score came back -2.1 - no wondr my lower back has been so sore since surgery.  I am no worried the effect of the chemo on the bones as it does carry a warning..... will talk to oncologist next week and see what he says........ in the meantime I am chewing big fat chalky lemon (debatable) calcium tablets hahaha oh boy when will all of this end!!!

    hehehe you really ought to plan a boat/cruise triip when you are done.... I will wait on the corner of the water somewhere and you can pick me up :) ...... by the way you way more important than the queen, god love her!

    Urghh peoples comments are silly sometimes even if thy are helping.... If you going to get something you will and we know we have to deal with it like everything else on our plate.

    Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo good to hear from you..... and don't expect it all the time just like to know you ok

    Bigger hugs to you my warrior you got this!!!

    JB xx

    p.s can you tell I have an issue with the 'E' on my notebook hahaha I will leave you to figure out the words it's happily ommited itself from grrrrrr :)