lynch syndrome

Hi,my name is Tracy,46,mother of 2.I was diagnosed with lynch syndrome a while ago but buried head in sand.lost lots of family members on mums side to bowel cancer. Have been asked to consider removal of bowels and ovaries through counselling but just not ready for that.just need to chat with some others who have to live with this scary thing.

  • Hi just wanted to say hello.  Not had any experience of what you are going through must be a  very difficult decision to make.   I did hear a talk by a genetics expert, who was of the opinion that prevention is better than regular checks. She was referring to Breast cancer gene while  talking at a prostate cancer support group meeting.   I've met a 30 year old who had a double mastecomy as her chance of getting  breast cancer was more that 50% and she needed to be their for children.

     I know from friends in less fortunate situations than mine that the earlier cancer is caught  the better the outcome.

    I wish you well with your decisions, a difficult and scary time.

    Take care, gardenlady.


  • Hi Tracy

    I am currently going through genetic testing for lynch syndrome.  I was diagnosed with bowel cancer in August last year and am being tested due to my age  (50) and family history of other cancers.  

    I guess i will wait to see if i have it and then make my decision about preventative surgery but agree with you that it is a scary thing.