Lymphoma worry

Hi, i’m 46 yr old male who has had swollen lymph nodes in my neck for about 4 to 5 years.  When I first found them I was sent for an ultrasound and was told there were quite a few nodes but they didn’t look cancerous.  I also suffer with fatigue, to the point i’ve Fallen asleep mid conversation, if I sit down I sleep.  I am also vitamin b12 deficient and have been on injections to improve it but although my levels are back up I feel no better.  Multiple visits to my GP have got me nowhere apart from being put on antidepressants, which seems to be the answer for everything these days.

i think I now have nodes in my groin and I have quite a lot of pain in various parts of my body, I know I need to go back to my GP but I know i’m going to be fobbed off again, I feel at a loss about what to do, i’ve managed to just get on with life as best I can but feel things are getting so bad now i’m struggling to lead a normal life.  Any advice would be much appreciated.

  • Hi, sorry to hear about your problem. The good thing is that the ultrasound didn’t show anything. Many things can also cause fatigue. I have lymphoma, do you have night sweats? I also lost quite a bit of weight. If I were you, go back to your doctor and tell him all your symptoms, maybe it’s time for another ultrasound possibly with biopsy which is the only way to tell if it’s lymphoma. I didn’t have pain with my lymph nodes but maybe everyone is different, I had enlarged lymph nodes at each side of my lungs which made me a bit breathless but again was only seen with a ct scan, tell GP this is making you very anxious, my doctor examined my neck and referred me to an ENT doctor, I think they can tell what is a suspicious lump or not. Definitely go back and maybe see a different doctor. Good luck, let us know how you get on.

  • Hi Scones, thanks for your reply, I don’t have night sweats but I have lost a little weight.  I went back to my GP today and explained how bad i’m Feeling, she did an exam and found nodes in my neck, collar bone area and groin.  She sent me to hospital for blood tests and an X-ray.  I’m just going to have to keep going until I get answers.

  • Hi, I’m glad you went back to doctor, at least she is taking you seriously now, not everyone gets night sweats, this is known as a B symtom, strangely enough my blood tests didn’t show anything but the chest X-ray showed that my nodes were enlarged. Strange that you didn’t get referred to ENT specialist, keep at them till you are satisfied with results. Good luck with your tests 

  • Just a quick update, my Chest X-ray was clear and on the whole my bloods were ok.  The only thing that was found was that I Have the ebv virus in my body caused by having glandular fever as a child.  She’s putting my symptoms down to chronic fatigue syndrome caused by the virus.  I guess time will tell.

  • So pleased for you, just enjoy life now, best wishes x