Lymphoma worry

Hi everyone.

Today I finally took myself to the Dr after the following list of symptoms

Itchy head, neck. Large lump on the left side of neck- hard and no movable. 5cm in size. No appetite and when I do eat I feel almost instantly sick, insane night sweats, fatigue like I cannot even explain. I have 2 children, 5 and 3 so I know what tiredness is but this is a whole new level. No energy at all. A sharp stabbing pain in the top left of my stomach, where my bra wire sits, when I breathe in deeply, yawn, cough or sneeze. 

I'm obviously so worried. GP said today it's an urgent referral to ENT so fingers crossed it won't be too long until I'm seen. I have a full blood test booked next week. 

I just wanted to reach out really. Feeling a bit lost. Xx


  • Hey I'm in a similar situation, relating to a lump in my groin I've had 6 weeks now.

    I had some bloods recently (for a separate reason) and they came back abnormal so I'm even more worried now. I have another GP appointment next week for the lump to be re-checked. 
    I hope everything turns out positively for you, I don't have any advice as I'm worrying the same as you. 

  • Hi I have an enlarged lymph node in my neck and sometimes the pain goes all the way down my rigjt side. I have ent appointment on Tuesday and I'm fearing the worst. I don't have nigjt sweats but I have lost a stone in two months. I do have b12 deficiency which my injection for is next week so I'm just praying it's that xx