
Hi all, I'm mid way through what feels like a really long diagnosis (even though it has only been 6 weeks). I had an ultrasound on lymph nodes in my neck and a FNA, the results came back as suspicious for Hodgkins Lymphoma. The consultant ran through treatment and booked me in for an excision biopsy, which I had on Friday. Now begins the long wait, and I'm so hoping the consultant was wrong. More lumps are appearing, approximately every 3 weeks a new one comes up in a line from the last one. Has anyone had a suspicious FNA followed by a clear full biopsy? I have had all over body itching and some fatigue but again hoping it's nothing.


  • Hello there

    I'm not probably the intended answerer for your post as whilst I did have a suspicious scan followed by eventually a biopsy that led to diagnosis of Hodgkin's lymphoma.

    I just wanted to say I can completely sympathise with the length of time it's taking to get any answers. I was referred in March and it wasn't until August that I got a diagnosis. Everything seems to take the longest time.

    Now you've had a biopsy though they will have an answer one way or another. For me I had pet scans and even a bone marrow biopsy before they decided to biopsy a lymph node - was only at this stage did they actually get me a diagnosis.

    You've had the right test to give an answer so take some comfort in that. Also know that Hodgkin's lymphoma is actually a very treatable disease with many treatment options, and that this lengthy diagnosis period won't have effected your prognosis, even if it does feel like more lumps are appearing daily! I was told i probably had lymphoma for a year before they picked up on it and I'm still being treated with the intention of full remission.

    I completely understand what you're going through and feel free to rant.

    There's also a load of other things it could be, though k suspect your specialist would have told you this and tested you for them too. I was even tested for STDs and hiv and blood disorders and autoimmune disorders, so so many things throw up the same or similar symptoms.

    Wishing you all the best, keep in touch.

    Here if you need a rant.



  • Thank you, he said he was 'almost certain' but a part of me is still hopeful. I'm glad you are being treated, hope all goes well. I just think this could be the longest 3 weeks ever! (Especially since I'm signed off work for 2 weeks post op.)