Lymphoma- very scary


Two weeks ago my 62 year old husband went to A and E with stomach pains - I unkindly thought he had overeaten, but almost immediately he was thrust into a scary world of tests, including an outpatient MRI and biopsy almost one week ago. The Acute Care Consultant spoke to both of us, and indicated that she believed spouse had either Lymphoma, or Prostate cancer. Spouse was separately seen by one of the Acute Cancer care nurses, who talked about high survival rates with both these cancers. 
I think that because Tony was seen via A and E, we have missed some key pieces of information. Following the biopsy last week the Doctor advised that she had " taken what she needed " from lymph nodes in his abdomen. The Ward Sister then spoke at length to Tony about his support mechanisms 


We know have been told a member of the Nursing team will telephone on Tuesday to discuss the MRI results.

I already live with chronic anxiety, and am failing pretty miserably at distracting myself or being positive. I cannot believe that my husband may be told be phone, from someone he has never met, that he has cancer. We were also told to " chase" the biopsy results if we had not heard by the 30/11.


Can anyone help me understand the process here? I understand that Tonys referral is urgent, and that he is on a pathway that reflects cancer is suspected, but I need some clarity about what is happening and have no one to ask.


Sorry for this lengthy post 

Any replies will be gratefully received 




  • Hi, 

    sorry to find you here asking for advice.

    It's tricky talking about specific cases as every one of our journey is different. 
    Your hubby is now under the care of a consultant. You could contact the secretary for some information or ask the consultant or the nurse he spoke to, to call you if you are concened.

    When attended A&E you see a medic. They have an idea of what's going on but without tests to clarify or rule out then they can't tell you for definite what's going on.

    If your hubby's had an MRI that will pick up any area of interest. The MRI and the biopsy results usually take two weeks to come back- the results are discussed in a meeting (MDT ) the multiple disciplinary team meeting  decide what treatment plan is best for what Tony has.  

    Urgent referrals are dealt with as soon as possible. Usually cancer referrals are done within a two week rule. The two week clock usually resets every time you have appt. 

    Try not to over think things -easier said than done. nothing been confirmed as yet so you don't know what treatment can be done.

    Due to Covid -some appoitments are over the phone. I've had two in which one of them was discussing results  and the other discussing chemotherapy- but ideal but redheads the risk of me catching any bugs -whilst sitting in a waiting area with lots of others.

    write down a list of questions you have ? So you don't forget anything. When having a phone appoitment try putting the phone on speaker phone so you both can listen in to what's been said. Jot notes down so you can remind yourself. 

    The other good thing is that he's been to be checked out. And hasn't had other symptoms so whatever it is you've caught it early.

    My dad was diagnosed with really high Gleason score --advanced prostate cancer and without treatment survived 8years.

    My friends dad is 81- he's had lymphoma for 24years and still going strong. 

    I'm 42 and having chemo for breast cancer- I've cried, laughed smiled, been angry and upset. But I'm still alive. Taking each day as it comes.

    keep us posted with Tony's journey- here for you both

    much love 
