Lymph node on neck

I just wanted to share my story in hopes maybe someone would reply or listen. This has been the most isolating hardest time for me. I've never felt as low before. Anyways, I discovered a lymph node on my neck about pea size maybe bigger after I had a really bad wisdom tooth infection and I've been struggling with this infection now for 4 years on and off! But decided I'd wait and try many courses of antibiotics but non worked so it was time to get it out after all these years! (Silly I know) but when I descovered the lymph node or lump as I call it my heart dropped! Cancer came to mind and I've been unable to shake it. Ive felt this node for years when I get sick all the time I'm sure it's a reactive node but why is it getting to me now after all these years? I think because I googled it this time! I've seen an ent who said he wasn't not concerned in the slightest and the node felt really normal and moveable. But I pushed for an ultrasound which I found the node to be slightly bigger than my rest but still very normal sized and healthy! the man who did the ultrasound even said it was so small a biopsy wouldn't really be needed. But I'm going back Wednesday to discuss further how I feel and if I want to get this done. You think I'd be feeling normal and positive by now but no I feel even more uncertain.. I miss my old care free life! I hope with time this node goes away or I get some solid answers that it's not cancer! I'd love if others could share their stories and help me or just some advice to keep me postive 

  • Hello Emily and welcome to the forum.

    I'm sorry for the worry this lymph node is causing but I hope talking everything through at your appointment today will reassure you and remove some of the concerns that have been playing on your mind.

    I'm glad to see you've been receiving support from some of our members on other discussions but hopefully you'll receive some advice here as well.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator