
Hi I have just been diagnosed with lung cancer  an it's all a bit of a blur  

  • Hi @samted. Me too, just diagnosed today but thankfully i took most of it in and was actually prepared for the diagnsosis.

    Were you given a number that you could contact someone if you had any questions about anything. I know that as soon as you hear that word, then your brain goes into some sort of blurry mode. But if you got a number then please use it and ask the nurse if they could go through it all with you. I know that doesn't lessen the blow you've been dealt but once your brain recovers a bit then you may find that you want to know more.

    You will need time to take it all in and process it so don't rush ahead of yourself with all the what ifs and why nots. Lots of people on here who can offer advice or support or even answer some questiions for you.



  • Thank you and bless you what a horid day we've had yes I was given a number  I had 2 options thake the lung out an chemo or chemo first but it might to late to as its 4 month chemo if it spreads but it is a slow cancer I am going to see my old consultant next Tuesday see if he can help me decide an I have had time to take it in x

  • I'm sorry about your options Samted, do you have someone close that can help you decide on the choice (like it's something you would choose with pleasure ... not) It's not as easy decision i know but i'm sure your consultant will "guide" you towards making the right choice for you.

    Luckily i haven't been given a choice as such, just straight in for the surgery if the surgeon thinks it can be done and then take it from there. Maybe chemo or something afterwarrds but that wasn't discussed yesterday although i think it's a possibility.

    If you want to chat anytime, then please do. I'm not sure i will be much help to you though but the offer is there if you want it. You could message me privately if you want or here on the forum.

    Hopefully people who have been faced with the same can help us both out with their own experiences.

    PJ x

  • Thank you so much pj  this is a really help and you must be going through it to xx. I do hope there's other people on hear that can help us  I don't know if this helps or if someone has / had it mine is a Adenocarcinoma cancer 

  • I really don't know much if anything about the different cancers Samted, in fact i don't even think they mentioned anything about mine really but i did a wee site search on yours for you and a few results came up which may help you. I also sent you a friend request ... you don't need to accept it if you don't want to but it's there anyway if you want to message me or anything.


    Hugs PJ

  • Thank you  just spoke to my nurse and I've decided to have the lung out x

  • Wow well done Samted, that was a quick decision but i'm glad you have made the choice now because it's one less thing you need to worry over. I know the professionals like to give you some control over your treatment but i at least didn't have to make any sort of decison over mine, it was more or less made for me and i will just go with it.

    Onwards and upwards hopefully. 

    PJ x

  • It was after talking to my.nurse it became clear head scan Tuesday to make sure it's not spread there and I also thought how brave you are going through a similar thing and still helping me thank you we can do this together xx

  • I will be thinking of you on Tuesday and keeping my fingers crossed for you for a good outcome.

    I am not just helping you, you are helping me too. :love: x

  • Thank you let's help each other through it an anyone else we can x