Lung cancer operation


my dad found out 4 weeks ago he had lung cancer the consultant said it’s quite small and has been caught quite early and said a operation (not a video/keyhole one open surgery) and then some chemo 

he then saw the surgeon who said it was a bit Further along and he may have to remove full

lung this has freaked my dad out and he is now over the edge with panic.

we rang the consultant who still said the same as what he said the first time and we didn’t like to say “well the surgeon say this “ but it’s just messed my dad up he has a fear of hospitals anyway and did tell the surgeon that 

. Has anyone has this operation (well obviously people have sorry bit  gabbled trying to write it all ) and have positive story’s because my dad is almost getting to stage where he doesn’t want to go and just try the chemo ️ 

My dad is 67 and has taken the diagnosis quite badly 

it has gone into nodes ? But not spread 

  • Hi, sorry to find you here asking for advice.

    I've got a little knowledge of lung Ca. 
    Some People have chemo to shrink cancer and then have lobectomy to remove lobe with cancer in. Sometimes if more than one location the full lung is to be removed. 
    Usually the specialists form the hospital will review your dads case at an MDT meeting ( multi disciplinary team meeting) physio nurse doctor. Surgeon. chemo oncologist. Radiotherapy oncologist all get together and suggest best treatment plan specific to your dads size,location and grade.  
    I know my dads friend had a full lung removed about 10yeard ago. He's in his late 70's but manages well.

    Best wishes

    Efffie x