Lung Cancer

My mam has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer, it has spread to mediastinal lymph nodes (cluster of tumours), it's also in her supraclavical and a number of nodes in her neck and in muscle behind her right ear.  She has lost loads of weight and is well under 7st and has caxchia I think that's what it is as she looks like she's lost lots of muscle all over her body and is looking (anorexic).  She is still eating but the consultant has said she isn't strong enough for treatment.

she had a PET scan, MRI of brain and CT scan.  The consultant won't do a biopsy as he said it's not worth putting your mam through it to get a confirmed diagnosis as he has seen how much she has deteriorated in last 3 weeks.


he offered that she could be cared for when the time comes at home or he would bring her into hospital.  She chose the latter.  I haven't seen anyone go through this as when my dad had Mesothelioma I didn't see him waste away so to speak.  

My mam has said she has discomfort in her legs/hip but I'm not sure whether it is where she's lost muscle and she is sitting on bone.  If that makes sense.

Does anyone have any idea what I am looking at in relation to life expectancy as I want to be able to get my mam out and about to do things before she becomes bed ridden.

she is weak on her legs, can still walk about but is frail.  I am waiting for a wheelchair where I can take her out.  

I feel totally lost and wake up some days with a heavy heart and upset and feel selfish that I am not being strong enough.  It is just me to look after her and at moment I am going down during day for a few hours and then back again later on the day for a few hours.  I still have a children of school age to look after but I am trying to juggle and my mam and I don't want carers in.  I will move in when things deteriorate more.


I just don't know what to expect.


thank you x

  • Hi I'm so sorry to hear about your mum,it is a scary time for her and you and a mix of emotions.

    my mum was diagnosed in November quite similar to your mums diagnosis.They said not fit for treatment but she wanted to try.Once they put her on steroids she was eating again and although never put weight on never lost any either. So oncologist agreed to try 4 sessions of chemo.she just had her 3rd and it's really hard on her.she is in bed has no strength,can't get up herself and is very tired,they said at scan last week the large tumour had shrunk a bit which was good,but it's the uncertainty seeing her struggle is so hard.I am struggling too it's just not knowing,I try take one day at a time.

    I wish you and your mum well and send hugs to you

  • Thank you for taking the time to reply. 

    I agree it's very difficult, it's hard for you to look a positives when you see your mam so poorly, but the tumor has shrunk which is a positive step.  

    my mam has agreed with the consultant and said she won't cope with the treatment and said it would make her more sick and just delay the inevitable.  She is finding it difficult to swallow solids so it's soups, yoghurts and smoothies.


    hope you are looking after yourself too x

  • I'm so sorry to read your post about your Mam.  I just wanted to say I can empathise with you.   My lovely Dad was diagnosed with terminal lung and stomach cancer two weeks, ago.   Although he's 93 he had been completely healthy, living an independent and full life until he started feeling very breathless 3 weeks, ago.   Admitted to hospital we were shocked to receive the news that he has a terminal prognosis. The consultant would not give us a time line but said we 'aren't looking at years more like months'.

    Dad came home and since then has declined, he's gone from walking around town to barely being strong enough to walk the length of the hallway.   He has a tiny appetite and his weight loss is quite alarming. He is very breathless and fatigued.  It's just horrible to see.

    My hope is that Dad just slips away whilst he is relatively pain free. 

    Cancer touches so many lives.    My thoughts are with you and your family at this very difficult and emotional time.