lung cancer

hello im new to thisgroup my mum has been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer we are devastated mum will have chemo if she is fit enough im wake up every morning with a heavy heard god knows how mum is feeling, sad depressed worrying xx im trying to stay positive for her but its hard she is hoping chemo willl help her which i hope it will but as long as she feels there is hope im going with it all the way with her, but i cant cope at times cant concentrate what will i do my mum xxx 

  • So sorry you are going through this. I have just lost my mum to this awful disease and i am heartbroken. 


    Our situation wa sslightly different to your delays in diagnosis and then treatment left us not really knowing how serious things were and without a proper treatment plan we were just left in the dark.


    If i could go back and be told her staging i would have spent every last minute with her that was possible and supported her through it as best as i could.


    It sounds as if you are going to be by your mums side every step of the way  which is amazing and i am sure you will have some tough times but also some beautiful times and that's all you can do. 


    Question every decision from the doctors if you must but just remember to look after yourself as well.


    Lot sof luck xx

  • Thank you so much x yes mum was given antibiotics time after time with a chest infection (so they said) and when she telephoned the drs heard the reception staff say "what's up with her niw " I know anger is a level to go through but bloody hell ,, I'm just wanting to get her pain sorted x x. I hope you are ok it's hard to deal with thingd  and stay strong x 

  • Thank you, people ask, are you OK? And I'm not really sure what the answer is anymore. I say yes I'm OK but I don't think I've ever been as far from ok as I am now, but you know.. Surviving? Xx thanks for asking.


    Where is your mums pain coming from, do you know? What meds have they given her already?


    Sounds like you're lucky to have each other, hold each other tight xx