Lung Biopsy - Why would this be?

My dad had a CT scan which they were sure was cancer and went for a PET scan last week. His follow up is next Weds and now have called today and said he needs a lung biopsy on Thursday.

What would they be doing in the biopsy? Checking what it is? I am really worrying now - does this mean its worse news than we initially thought (they were talking about surgery to remove it and then treatment) 

Thanks all

  • Hi LD

    They are just gathering all the info they need to decide on best course of action. My partner had all of the tests you mention including bronchoscopy with biopsy. Personally, I would't read anything into it. Obviously the oncologist will explain it all but I believe its fairly standard practice.

    I still have bad days when the fear, stress and panic take over so I do relate to your feelings, but trust me, it does get better when he gets started on treatment. Your Dad needs you to be calm and strong if you can possibly manage it.

    Try not to worry.


  • Thanks so much. He’s had the letter today and it’s needle biopsy to take lung tissue. It does say it’s to help determine treatment. It’s still with the respiratory team and not oncology yet. I guess that would happen after official diagnosis would it?

    the letter said 7-10 days for biopsy so it’s going to be even more waiting. At least weds the consultant will tell him what the pet scan found.

    thanks for your suppprt x

  • Yes. When all the info was in, the respiratory team met. We had a meeting postponed because of waiting for biopsy results, and then as the team meeting was on a Thursday and we hit it wrong, we had to wait for that too-which felt like torture! 

    I think we got the PET scan results from the respiratory consultant but she referred us to the oncologist for the treatment plan.

    I suppose you can take comfort in the fact that they're being very thorough and it sounds like they're on the ball timewise. [Some people have much longer waits!] They are committed to making sure they know exctly what type of lung cancer it is, where it is and what treatment will give the best chance of success.

    Hope Wednesday brings good news.


  • Hi Monica,

    My dad had his follow up yesterday and they said from the PET it doesnt look like its spread. He is having the biopsy done as we speak to check if its in his nodes. They have said if its not he will have the surgery and not need treatment but if it is he would need treatment too. It does all sound positive so am taking heart and praying its not in his nodes.

    They said the op would be done in Oxford and some people are even home the same day. They also said it shouldnt affect his life expetancy.

    I guess all in all thats probably about as good as it could get and am praying for more positive news after his biopsy.

    How are things with your partner? xxx

  • Fantastic news! You have brightened my day-you're right, it sounds like  a very good outcome. They have obviously found it early.

    We are ok-just plodding on through treatment and trying to stay positive.

    Much love x

  • Ahh bless you :) he’s also just told me that the radiographer said he’s been doing this 20 years and is baffled. It’s not changed in weeks and where it’s located makes him not sure. He also had a bad chest in Spain and he said it would of shown on the X-ray then (in June) 


    i guess the biopsy will give answers but how amazing if it was benign (although I hear lung masses usually aren’t)


    how long is treatment due to go on for? Do they scan during to see how it’s going 


    much love xx

  • It sounds as if your Dad is a lucky man-not just because of his promising results but because he has such a lovely, caring daughter. I am so pleased for you.

    If Dave can have his chemo tomorrow [ie if his immune system is sufficiently recovered ] he will be almost half way through chemo. He's due to finish at the end of January if all goes smoothly but will then start radiotherapy. Its not that the chemo is particularly unpleasant-its mainly just a bit of discomfort-its just that th fear and anxiety never quite go away.

    His scan is the 17th December  followed by oncologist's review on 20th, when they tell us if it's done any good. 

    Keep everything crossed for us xxx

  • Sorry to chip in on this chat but I just want to say my husbands diagnosis was not good,  stage 4 lung, but after chemo and radiotherapy it's shrunk more than half,  so look to the future and take it one day at a time.   Good luck to you both.  Caz 

  • Caz-thank you so much for posting. I would have got back to you before but we were all day at the Freeman yesterday waiting for bloods to be re-done so he could have the chemo, and then waiting for it to be made up. You dont have to spend much time in a chemo day ward to realise that there are so many people in much worse states than we are at the moment, but its still hard to stay cheerful. 

    I may have already said to LD when they were waiting to have the diagnosis confirmed-but waiting is the bane of our lives!

    Anyway, I was thrilled to read that your husband is doing so well-long may it continue. I notice you have done quite a lot of posts so I am going to spend sometime this afternoon going back through them to hear more about your story.

    Love and best wishes xxx

  • Ahh thank you Monica what a lovely thing to say. I think I drive them mad with my incessant worrying. They told the consultant I had already googled him and his wife ha ha! 

    How is Dave? Did he manage to have chemo? 

    Thats amazing caz. It’s lovely to hear such positive stories. Praying I will have one of my own soon xx