Lumps on tongue

Hi, I am not sure which discussion thread I should be posting this on. I am new to forums and am grateful I found this site.

I'm a 51 yr old female with a long history of smoking. I felt a pea sized bump on/in my tongue left side 2 weeks ago. Today I can feel a long thick almost vein like hardness on the right side of my tongue, about 4 or 5 cms long, a thin 1cm long line near the tip on the same side and the pea sized lump on the left is now a longer line shape close to the tip about 2cms long. These are all invisible but I can see a line on the left side if I stretch the dorsum (cover of tongue).

I have suffered from really bad acid reflux for approx 18 months. The gp could feel the lumps and referred me to have an endoscope and also to see someone about the tongue.
As the lumps are changing size so rapidly, I am becoming more and more worried. 

I guess I am turning to you guys for assistance. Should I be so worried? Should I go see an ent privately or another specialist or are these lumps supposed to be there and I am worrying unnecessarily?

I am a full time carer to my 28yr old daughter who has a rare genetic deletion, she requires 24 hour supervision. There is no-one else who understands her condition or who can look after her. I'm scared.


thank you in advance.

  • You can go back to GP – e-mailing an update might be an option depending on how your surgery does things nowadays.

    Or you could get a private or NHS dental appointment as dentists are good at knowing how urgent these things are likely to be and can do direct referrals on an urgent cancer pathway when needed (which would speed things up if GP only put you on routine pathway. Did the GP say if routine or urgent referral?)

    Or you can see a doctor/Consultant privately.

    There are pros and cons for each option, so I'm not sure what would be best for you as next steps. It might even depend on where you live as provision for services can vary in different parts of UK.

    This isn't an area I have any expertise in beyond once having a major panic and getting myself in to see a dentist urgently as they are trained to spot mouth cancers.

    Another option is to phone nurse helpline on this site. 

    Hope all turns out ok for you. Good luck!

  • Thank you RoseStarBlue. I have a dental appointment tomorrow, so fingers crossed she tells me it's nothing to worry about.


    I am having that sense of panic now, trying to keep it controlled but my, it's hard! 

  • Hi Poppypup,

    Dental appointment sounds really good. Dentists get a lot more training than GPs regarding mouth lesions. Hopefully your dentist will be able to reassure you, but if not at least speed things up.

    Panic's a nasty beastie... Hopefully, you'll stay on top of it and get the sleep you need. Hope you've got some ways to manage it. Take care. Would be good to know how you get on. X

  • Thank you.

    Waiting in most contexts is a real stressor for me. I have no-one, there is no-one I can run things by who could help me to rationalise my fear. I suppose in that situation the internet can be more of a problem than solution. Thank you so much for just replying to my post. That means a lot to me.

  • Hi, My name is Ellie 

    I'm sorry you are going through this, I can imagine how hard this must be for you. 
    I'm actually currently in the process of investing a possible sarcoma on my ribs so can understand your anxiety surrounding the situation.

    i don't know a lot about cancer so can't really offer you any advice regarding your symptoms but I do know how it feels to go through something scary and feel alone. I'm only 18 so there are a lot of things I don't know but I do know that however anxious you feel right now, you are in a far better position having tests done/people investigating your symptoms than not doing anything about it. Knowing this will never take away how scary it is and actually in my experience (not just with this but with life in general) I find the more I learn the less I understand and the less I understand the more scary things seem. People, more than anything want to be in control, it's human nature and the concept alone of not being in control is almost so crippling that we just push it aside and don't accept it's reality. Right now I could give you a million reasons why you shouldn't worry but I know that no matter how logically you look at this situation it will never take away how you feel so instead I just want to say, I hear you. You might feel alone and afraid not just for yourself but for the people you care about, but I want you to know that you aren't alone in feeling alone. There are so many people (more than you might think) that hear you and understand you. It's sometimes hard to find those people because a lot of the time we worry about burdening others but the more we talk about our worries, the easier it becomes. I feel very alone sometimes, I'm worried about my rib and feel lonely in that but also I have ADHD that causes a lot of problems in my life that not many people understand so I also quite often feel isolated in that. 
    I know I diverted the topic a little but my point is that you are never as alone as you think you are. Whatever happens next might be scary and things might be very hard but right now those things haven't happened, right now you are as you are and onlyin this moment your present self. You can't predict what will be, so my best advice is: go outside in the sunshine, talk to people you know about frogs or the weather, keep complaining about the traffic or dogs that bark too loudly at night and just put one foot in front of the other. Step by step. 
    We are all strong, stronger than we imagine.

    sorry that was so long (maybe I should consider a career in essay writing) but I hope you are feeling a little bit better and I know you don't know me but you are always welcome to have a chat if you need. Even if you just feel lonely and want to rant about how it's raining again!! 
    i really hope everything goes ok. Thinking of you. X

  • I find waiting really hard in lots of contexts but most especially when it's anything medical. Make sure you tell the dentist your fears. Hope appointment goes well. Am thinking of you.