Lump under nipple

Hi, about 6/8 weeks ago I found a lump under my right nipple, it's about the size of a 10p. It actually feels attached to the inside of the nipple and radiates down into the breast, tender to touch, no discharge but without sounding crude the nipple isn't as responsive as the left one and you can't pinch it like the one that's ok. I've been to gp who has referred me to breast clinic but I had a screening about 15 months ago because basically I had lumpy breast but this feels so very different, and painful. Any advice would be grateful. Thankyou.

  • Welcome to the forum Angie although I'm sorry for the reason you are posting.

    I'm glad you went to the doctor about this and they have referred you on for a more thorough investigation. Hopefully it's not anything sinister but our members will know how worrying a time this can be and now that I've replied I have no doubt some of them will reply to offer their support and advice soon.

    I hope the pain goes away on it's own and that all goes well at your referral.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Angie77, 

    I've also been referred to the breast clinic and know just how worrying it can be.   Thankfully I finally feel in a better place and have found keeping myself busy has helped alot.  

    My appointment is on Friday so I'm almost there but I can appreciate how long it has felt.  I hope the pain subsides and do try and avoid Google he never has anything good to say! 

    Have you had news of when your appointment is yet?  Do let us know how you get on! 


  • Thankyou both for replying. I have an appointment with breast clinic on the 5th Feb. Pain hasn't subsided and I'm very conscious of it tbh. Even though I'm a nurse I still have the itch to Google!! 

    The lump is around the size and shape of all I can describe is a chocolate Brazil nut! The nipple itself is warmer than the other one but no itching or discharge. 

    Jo I hope you get a good result at your appointment. Please keep me updated. Best of luck.

    I have been ringing to see if there are any cancellations but difficult fitting them in around work too, although my boss it very accommodating I can sometimes be working a 3 hour drive from where I live. 

    Thank you again for your support I'm really grateful.


  • To be honest I almost think it's psychological, today I have had some pain under my arm which I haven't had before and it seems like I may have some swelling.   I am of course hoping this is anxiety but I am very glad I'll be seeing the experts tomorrow. 

    Will definitely report back on how I get on, the waiting in my opinion is definitely the worse bit! 

  • All the best for today jo. Yes please keep us updated. The waiting is a pain! It's difficult to tell with me regarding the swelling as I do have a large chest to begin with. You are bound to be anxious. It's a worrying time. X

  • To be honest this morning I felt fine and slept amazingly, it's been a bit of a rollercoaster but I think I managed to finally rationalise my thoughts as I knew what I was dreading was today.  

    The nurses where lovely, they firstly examined my breasts and identified a fibroadenoma and advised me of this.  I went down to have an ultrasound he told me it was breast tissue nothing to worry about. 

    When I came back up after my ultrasound they asked me to remove my top again and did another examination everything was clear on the ultrasound but the nurse was concerned about something she had found.   She went to get the consultant who gave me an examination to turns out I have lumpy breasts and all is well.   

    Minor alarm but I'm glad they checked it out, hoping you also get positive news on Tuesday keep us updated! 

  • That's wonderful news Jo. I'm so pleased for you. Now you rest assured. Im pleased they treated you well too. It's such a worrying time.

    I checked out my breast again this morning, like you I think it psychological, my nipple is significantly inverted compared to the other one and I'm feeling a dull ache around my shoulder blade. I just need this appointment out of the way and for them to tell me it's a blocked duct or a cyst. The waiting is awful . X


    Hi Angie,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your breast worries, but you are doing the right thing by getting it investigated. It is unusual to have pain with breast cancer, so hopefully this is something less serious. Also, it is worth bearing in mind that, only 1 person in 10 who is referred to the breast clinic turns out to have cancer.

    I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer in the past 9 years and, know only too well, the agonies associated with waiting. Don't expect to get your results straight away at your first visit. You are usually examined and have an ultrasound and/or mammogram and possibly a biopsy. It usually takes about 1 week to get these results back. It is only then that you can know definitely either way.

    I sincerely hope that all goes well on Tuesday.

    Please let us know how you get on. We are always hee for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Thanks for replying jolamine, so sorry to hear of your bouts of breast cancer . How are you now? 

    The pain has subsided now, it is only usually there after the area has been messed around with. I'm trying not to feel for it too often as it just raises my worries. 

    I will definitely let you know of the results either way. Can't thank you enough for the support on here . Appointment a week tomorrow x


    Hi Angie,

    I am glad to hear that your pain has subsided. There is always the tendency to keep feeling for the lump in the vain hope that it has disappearedand. This does make your breast a little more tender.

    I am fine as far as my breast cancer is concerned. I attend the clinic once a year for an annual review. However, I have a new problem as of today. I saw a dermatologist with a lesion under my eye this morning and, she tells me that it is a melanoma. It is very close to the eye, which makes it difficult to get a wide enough margin.

    She offered me a biopsy there and then, but warned me that this would cause additional scarring on my face. She advised that I wait to see the plastic surgeons, as she is sure that it is cancerous and, said that I would be better getting it removed and then sending the removed  tissue off to pathology. This should only leave the one scar, but she also said that I am likely to need a skin graft afterwards. Hopefully, I should get this done within the next 1 or 2 weeks.

    Unfortunately, this is one time when being a nurse is of no help at all. Let's hope that this week passes quickly for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx