Lump under armpit

Hi there,

I recently found a lump under my armpit. It is the size of a small marble. Due to the current situation with coronavirus I have not been examined by a doctor. I was able to talk to her via video call. She has prescribed antibiotics. I am really worried. It is not red or angry looking and is a firm lump to touch. Does anybody have similar stories to share?

  • Hi Lolstar,

    I'm having a similar situation with a lump on the right side of my neck. I was examined by a doctor 6 weeks ago and she felt it was nothing sinister, but when she checked my throat it was red and inflamed. The lump is still there so I phoned the doctor on Monday and they prescribed a course of antibiotics as the infection may be more deep seated. I'm just waiting for the antibiotics to work, it's a 10 day course. I also had blood work done the last time and all came back normal. I had another blood test on Wednesday so will know the results on Monday. I understand completely how stressful and worrying it is. 

  • I have the same problem lolstar I'm 20 years old I fount a swollen lymph node under my right armpit it's small moveable and feels firm I also have one on right side of my neck small moveable but feels softer so I'm freaking out I have had a body wide eczema flare up ongoing for at least 9 months without any antibiotics to ease the inflammation so I'm putting it down to that but I'm freaking out like you to cause google says lymphoma and stuff i do smoke aswell only for under a year but still scary especially when I'm very physically active all my life and drink tons of water daily i think it's best if we get antibiotics and see how that goes and I also think we need blood tests to make sure everything is fine you like me probably feel really healthy and fit but just to check would ease our minds hopefully the antibiotics work for you and I need to get some myself cause the stress is killing me hopefully they work and we're fine 

  • Hi lolstar, I have found a lump under my armpit as well. Suspect it's a swollen lymph node. Did you get a better diagnosis from the doctor since your post? Would be great if you could provide an update. Thanks and take care. 

  • Hey, 

    I am going through the same thing unfortunately, I found a random bump/lump on my armpit, no redness but it's hard, then I started to panic also I didn't notice it on any other days before, so it shocked me to find it appear spontaneously.

    As usual, google doesn't help and puts anxiety at a mile.

    hope it's nothing serious, 

    & hope you're okay x



  • Hiya,

    I had a lump under my left armpit end of last year/ odd blood results mid year and it all turned out to be nothing so far :) had a scan of the lump and the consultant was not worried about it. I hope things get figured out for you xx

  • How are you?

    Last week I found a lump in my right armpit. It's round like a sphere, it feels like those small silver balls you used to secondary's cakes with. Remember those? They tasted vile haha. Anyway, it's just below the skin in my armpit, it isn't fixed inside the armpit wall or anything. I can get it between 2 fingers and wiggle it about and when I stretch the skin out it stretches with it.  I've been worried sick it's cancer because it doesn't hurt and is so firm.


    Its been a week and it's not gone but it's not grown. I was hoping it would have started to shrink but it hasn't so much mines been racing. I'm crying ruling this. It's only small but it worries me. I even fiddled with it in front of a mirror and weirdly as i wiggle it side to side between my fingers you can see it's a white small ball just below the skin. It's the size of one of those small silver balls or a bit smaller than a petit pois pea. 

    I hope you're ok.

    Libby x 

  • Hey, 

    You might not want to touch/ fiddle about with it so much, because it can probaly affect/infect or get worse otherwise. Just let your GP know asap, that's what I did, I know it's affects your mood and it's upsetting to look at but be positive you're not alone x

  • Thank you.


    i know, I am probably preventing it from shrinking with all the prodding I do. Xx

  • Hi all, first time posting on here. I found a lump under my armpit about two weeks ago. I phoned the doctor and he diagnosed a swollen lymph node or potential shaving infection. Well it's still there and it hasn't got smaller or bigger but I now can feel a couple more, directly under the skin. Where they are looks a little inflamed so it could be shaving related but I'm worried sick and think I should probably phone the doctor again. 

  • Oh I'm sorry, I'm dealing with a similar worry. Ring your gp and let us know how you get on. Xxxx