Lump & Swollen Lymph Node


I am 49 & had an ultrasound today and they found a lump in my breast which I had no idea I had. They took 3 biopsies of it and I will have to wait 8 days for the results. I am praying it is benign as I know some of these lumps are but she said my lymph nodes were also swollen and asked me if I had gotten the vaccine which i did back in June she said it might be becasue of the vaccine they are swollen but has anyone else had this.  I am thinking now if the lymph nodes are swollen the lump may not be benign. I am praying for the best but also trying to prepare for the worst.  Would love to hear from anyone in a similar situation





  • Hello Cammy, 

    Waiting for results can be such a stressful experience and each day waiting for answers can feel like a lifetime. I am keeping everything crossed for you that everything turns out to be benign - it won't be long now before you know for sure. It is possible as they have suggested to you that the lymph nodes swellings are linked to the vaccine as there have been indeed reports of swellings associated with the vaccine but you will only know really when you get your results.

    Try in the meantime not to worry too much or anticipate what it might be. The best thing to do to avoid thinking too much about this is to keep busy and distracted if you can and avoid looking things up online. I can imagine it is hard for you to do this at the moment but it will help you feel a little less anxious. You might be interested in reading this page on how to cope while waiting for news. 

    I hope you will also hear from others here who have been through all this before and that they will be along soon to share their story with you. 

    Keeping everything crossed for you that everything turns out fine. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator