Lump on the neck for 6 months

hi everyone,

I have a lump on my left side on my neck for the last 6 months. Ultrasound shows normal lymph nodes (no change of the inside structure) and the sizes were with 1.4-1.5 cm. I have other smaller size around my neck. I did experiance presistance itchiness on my feet for couple of weeks but it stopped now. Ive been lossing weight through healthy diet and exercise. And I must say last year wass very stressful due to my study.

I am not worried about it as the Hematology consultant told me its normal and to leave it. But just want to know if any one else experiance similar case; did it turn into cancer? Its always at the back of my head.


  • Hi Dhuha and welcome to the forum.

    I'm glad you've been given good news regarding your lump although I'm sorry about the thoughts that are still at the back of your mind. It can be difficult to keep these at bay but hopefully some of our members will pop by soon to share their advice and experiences with you.

    All the best,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator