Lump on my tongue

Hi guys, 


Just looking for a possible answer. Last night I was just randomly feeling my tongue. When I pinched my tongue, I felt a hard mass, like a lump near to the  front of my tongue. I have called GP today and the GP has urgently reffered me to head and neck specialist. GP also said that I am currently on "2 weeks cancer pathway" or soemthing similar to that. The lump itself is not visible, painless and it is NOT on the lining of the tongue. It is on the tongue but more towards the right side. For you to feel the mass/lump, I need to pinch my tongue. I am soo worried as I was previously on suspicion for lymphoma approximately 1 year ago which came back negative after biopsy with the grace of God.


Does any of you guys know what the possible reason could be. I can imagine there may be a lot of possible reason. But which one is likely to be mor eif a reason behind this lump/mass.




  • Hello, I know this was a while back, but I just wondered if you had any answers. I have something similar, I feel like I have a lump towards the back of my tongue down the left side not on top, but when I stick my tongue right out I can't see anything that looks different from the other side. It just feels different. I have seen the dentist 3 times and doctor twice and still none the wiser. I have another phone appointment with the doctor tomorrow! 

    hope all is well with you.