Lump on inner thigh

Hi, i have found a lump on the top of my inner thigh 

i can see it without touching it 

it is hard and slightly bigger then a pea size and it doesn’t hurt 

I am going to make a doctors appointment but was wondering if anyone had any advice as to what to do or what it could be.  as my doctors are well know for being bad and giving wrong diagnoses 


ps please ignore spelling mistakes I have dyslexia 

  • Hello Anon555456, 

    I am sorry to hear about this lump in your thigh.  I know you mentioned you don't have faith in your doctors, but the best thing to do is to go and see your GP about this - you can also ask for a second opinion if you want extra reassurance.  When you are worried that you may have cancer, it can be tempting to look for answers on an online forum, but this can end up increasing anxiety rather than making you feel better.  And the only person that can diagnose you is your doctor.  

    I hope this is helpful. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator