Lump on head.


I discovered a lump on my head, just above my occipital glands around two months ago. The lump is tender to touch, which is making sleeping on that side of my head a little uncomfortable. It's also quite hard. Its only pea shaped, I'd say no more than 5mm, but I went to the doctors yesterday and he dismissed it as a fat lump, telling me he has lots himself and that if it hurts it's actually a good sign.

I've suffered from headaches, migraines, deteriorating vision, terrible fatigue and trigeminal neuralgia since the end of 2017, but mid way through last year an MRI came back clear.

Does anyone know if this kind of thing will either go away or stop becoming painful? Also, had anyone had something like this before? 

  • Hello B059742Alex,

    Thank you for posting. I can appreciate that it must be worrying for you if you don’t feel that your problems are being not being looked at properly. Unfortunately, we cannot help you get a diagnosis.  Only a doctor can diagnose you. If you are unhappy with the way you are being looked after by your current doctor you may want to consider getting a second opinion you can find out more about this here.  

    I hope you find the reassurance you need,

    Moderator Anastasia 

  • Hi I realise this is an old ish post but I have everything youve listed about down to e every last detail,  also being dismissed. I wondered what your outcome was? Positive I hope x

  • Hi


    Sorry to hear you have been experiencing these things too. 

    Thankfully the lump hasn't grown in size nor is it tender to touch anymore. 

    The other things I was experiencing seem to have been due to low vitamin B12 levels which I am now on injections for. I have had some lasting nerve damage but thankfully nothing too major. 

    I was tested for everything from Aids to ME to Coeliac Disease before finally having my B12 levels tested though.

    I would strongly suggest you ask your doctor to run some bloods to see if anything flags up, and if unlike me you don't feel better or are continually dismissed, I would do as the post above says and consider getting a second opinion. 

    Hope you feel better soon. Xx

  • Hi Alex thanks so much for replying to me. Im pleased to hear yours has stopped giving you any discomfort and that you're receiving treatment for your b12 deficiency I hope you're feeling well for it. I will definitely be asking for blood work, I have a lot going on, chronic neck and thoracic back pain, a tremor, cluster headaches, this swollen occipital gland. I just cant shake the feeling something underlying is going on. Thank you for your advice