Lump on Chest

Hi! I found a lump on my chest today, above my breast and a below my collar bone. 
The lump feels hard but I'm debating whether my bone is sticking out significantly more on one side??? I'm not sure. When I squeeze the lump it feels lot more fattier than the other side of my body. 
My mum felt and admitted it was bigger but said to give it a few days incase it's just inflamed but it was me and my boyfriend who discovered it and it hadn't been there before and it feels the exact same since.

I'm just a bit nervous as I don't want to waste doctors time if it is nothing. It's not been there before and has just appeared this weekend as far as I am concerned. 

The lump feels fatty but also hard when I press down, but as I said I feel like it could be a bone sticking upwards significantly more on that side of my body but I would've noticed it if it was? The lump was a bit sore but it hurts significantly more now it's been touched and investigated. Any advice? 


  • Hello and thanks for your post

    I'm afraid we can't say what might be the matter (diagnose) . Only a doctor can make a medical assessment, so we always encourage people to make an appointment with their GP if their symptoms are persisting. Doctors are trained to assess symptoms and can arrange tests if they feel it’s necessary to try to find out what might be going on.

    Most breast lumps will be found to be cysts or a build up of fatty tissue called fibroadenomas both which are harmless You can read more about conditions in the breast that aren't caused by cancer here. 

    I hope you know more about your situation soon.

    Kind regards,
