Lump on bottom, close to vaginal opening

Hi there, i was wondering if you could help with a lump I found.
I found a quite large lump, maybe the size of two marbles, about an inch from my vaginal opening (on my bum cheek). It wasn't sore until originally but has since gotten sore. I have never experienced this before and was wondering if you have any advice on what it may be?

Many thanks.


  • Hello Suzie,

    Thanks for posting. I am sorry to hear about this sore lump you have noticed around your vagina and bottom and can appreciate your concerns.

    Sometimes an abscess or a skin infection from a blocked hair follicle can occur, and antibiotics are needed to clear it up. It isn't likely to be anything as serious as a cancer but it is best to get it checked out by your GP as soon as you can, just to be on the safe side. Do explain that it is sore when you ring your surgery, so that they are aware it may be an infection. Sometimes you can be seen sooner at a local minor injuries walk in centre, although this depends on their local policy. 

    I hope that you get this sorted out soon,

    Wishing you the best,
