Lump on ankle

I have a small hard lump on the side of my ankle near my anklebone.  I had her 2 positive breast cancer 5 years ago. Could it be secondary cancer?


  • Hello Erin2 and thanks for your post

    Many people get very anxious when they develop new symptoms and their thoughts do turn to a possible recurrence of their cancer.

    However, this doesn't mean that this is what it will turn out to be. Lumps are common and can have different explanations other than cancer, so try and not immediately assume that this is what it is.

    No one can tell you what your ankle lump may be due to without further tests. So do make an appointment to see your doctor to get checked out.

    I hope you know more about your situation soon. Give us a ring if you would like to talk anything over. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,
