Lump developing under unusual mole

Hi. Im 18 and have a mole on the back of my arm that has grown dramatically over the past few months and it now the size of a pea. There is also a extremely long line of cancer in many forms running through my whole family.

I have been to the doctors but there is a waiting list to see a dermatologist. Since my visit to the doctors it has developed a small lump directly underneath it and the border on the mole has become more ridged. 

Any opinions or possible answers to why this has happened would be amazing.

 Many thanks


  • Hi Kate,

    I'm afraid no one on here can tell you why your mole is changing in this way, only a dermatologist can expertly examine it and decide if it's OK or it needs removing for a biopsy to diagnose what's happening. If your mole has developed this lump since you saw your GP, please go back to the GP and show them the change & push for a referral. There are two types of referral - one is the normal referral where it takes about 8 to 10 weeks - this is where the GP doesn't think it's serious but it still needs checking out. The other referral is the 2 week Cancer Pathway referral - this is where the GP thinks it may possibly be skin cancer or is unsure (as per the NICE guidelines which I will attach for you to read). Either way I think it needs checking out, if only for your peace of mind. Hopefully it's fine (the lump may be an infection in the skin layers underneath the mole) but it definately needs checking. Good luck & please let us know how you get on.

    Angie (melanoma patient)