lpilimumab? for kidney cancer

Hi since the 14th of May 2019 when my husband was diagnosed with kidney cancer and spots on lung,  had kidney removed 12cm tumor in June open surgery wound has healed fantastically,last ct scan showed (02/09/19 result) that the spots on lung have grown and where the cancerous kidney had been sitting there is new growth there, he is to start intravenous lpilimumab in the next couple of weeks anyone out there who could tell me what to expect what food/drinks treats to get in, we know that this is going to be rough on him but at least he is still fighting. Big thanks to all on this forum who helped me back at the start of this horrible journey.


  • Hi Gutted, 

    I'm glad to hear that your husband has recovered from his surgery ahead of this next phase of his treatment. 

    I've had a good look through the forum but unfortunately can't find any other currently active members who have experience with Ipilimumab. 

    There is some information about this drug on our website here including some links to managing nausea and loss of appetite

    I'm not sure if your husband has a clinical nurse specialist that you could speak to about dietary advice before his treatment starts but you'd be most welcome to give our team of nurses a call to chat things through with them. You can call them on 0808 800 4040 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm). 

    I hope this helps. Do keep in touch and let us know how you're both getting on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator