low grade non Hodgkin's lymphoma

Does non Hodgkin's lymphoma make one more susceptible to infection?

  • Hello Beryl, welcome to the forum. I'm not a medical person, but I think someone with any kind of cancer would be more apt to pick up an infection than say, someone in relative good health. Certainly, if one is receiving treatments, that would add to that risk for sure because the treatments really deplete your immune system.. Why don't you post your question in the "Ask the Nurses" section on here, or you can phone them at the number at the bottom of this page during working hours. Good luck with it and take care. If you want to connect with people on here, then post and let us know how it goes. This is a very caring and supportive forum and it does help to offload and get responses from others in similiar circumstances.

    Take care.


  • Thank you Lorraine.  I'll follow up your suggestions and keep in touch with this chat forum.  Take care