Lots of symptoms need advice

Hi, my symptoms go back over 2 & a half years. I got sterilised & for a full year after I had really heavy periods, lower left sided abdominal pains leading to me having an investigation with an oncologist & a scan. Both couldn't find any form of cancer which was the best news I could of heard but on the oncologists suggestion I got the merina coil fitted to help with the bleeding. Since having the coil I have not had one single period. That was a year and a half ago. I still got the odd pain but it was bareable. However around 3 months I noticed my bowel habits had changed a lot. Blood in my stools, either constipated or really loose, bloating and more flatulence & exhausted. I went to my gp who agreed with my suspicions about IBS. He gave me tablets which I took for month but noticed no difference. Bloods shown I had raised CRP and a high plasma viscosity, repeat bloods were fine tho apparently. I went back to my gp just last week who after hearing my maternal grandmother died from bowel cancer at 53 has referred me for a colonoscopy and a scan of my ovaries as well as a stool sample. I'm still waiting for my appts and results to come back but just yesterday in work I came on my period. Strange after a year and a half of nothing that I would bleed out of the blue like this. I googled about the merina coil and seen some advice that said to check if I could feel the strings of my coil as bleeding could suggest it's migrated out of its position. I checked and could not feel any strings but I have found a lump inside me which I think feels the size of a pea or maybe sweetcorn. I feel like I'm mithering my gp with yet another issue but I can't help feeling somethings wrong and it's all connected. Should I wait for the appts I've already been referred for or should I go in again with these new symptoms. I'm 35 with 3 children. 

  • Hi Cara, 

    I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling with these problems. It sounds like it's been a difficult time for you. 

    If these new symptoms are concerning you then make an appointment to see your GP. If your GP feels that they want to do further tests or ask for quicker referral appointment then they can arrange this. If it's nothing to be concerned about then you'll have that peace of mind. 

    I do hope that you don't have to wait too long for some news. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Hi Jenn, 

    Thank you for replying. I had an appointment with my GP yesterday. She gave me an internal & then referred me for an urgent gynaecologist appt. She said she could feel the lump & said my mirena coil looked like it was still where it should be. She said all the usual stuff like don't worry etc it could be a number of other things to explain it but obviously I can't help it. Going to be a long 2 weeks waiting for this hosp appt. 
