Lost my wonderful nan

I lost my nan at the end of August she died suddenly from a heart attack she servived 3 lots of cancer I was with her all though the cancer I was so proud of her she was 78 when she died I'm really struggling with her passing can anyone help xx

  • So sorry to read of your nan’s passing, she sounds like a very strong woman to have beaten cancer 3 times in her life and can understand why you would be very proud of her.

    Bereavement is hard, you will miss her but  I believe no one truly dies, they live on through our hearts and minds, their love stays behind. 

    It’s key you talk to people and let them know how you feel but also talk about your wonderful Nan so that happy memories can be relived and that bond remains strong.

    i wish you well and I’m sure your nan is as proud of you as you are of her. x