Lost my mum SCLC

hi all. I just wanted to share my mums story..  she was first diagnosed in December 2017 with limited small cell with mass in her chest and one lymph node involved.. she started chemo cistiplatin and eptisode straight away and had 4 cycles of this and then went on to have preventative brain radiotherapy and to the lymph nodes. We then got a scan and got told she had brilliant response so would have a check up in 3 months time but as she went home she expiernced back pain that got worse so she went and had a mri spine and they found the cancer has metastised to the spine and liver she then went on to have second line chemo CAV she had 4 cycles of this also and that fineshed in November 2018 she then had another scan to check and the spine  mets were progressively growing and they told her no more treatment and would probably have just months. So my mum declines in January and stayed in bed a lot but was still quiet active..  she had a fall last Sunday 10th Feb she was lucky she didn’t break any bones..  she also had her birthday on the 13th of Feb and had a great day with family and was well with it. The day after I got a call from my dad to say my mum had just gone very suddenly she said she felt sick and needed a drink and all of sudden she just went!!  She battled through this for 14 months and stayed strong throughout. I just wanted to tell her story xx. Love you mum RIP xxxx

  • Hi Kay,

    I just wanted to reply to your post to say sorry to hear about your mother. I know this won't help in the least but just know you're not alone in this.

    I lost my mother to NSCLC lung cancer in November last year she only had three infusions of immunotherapy which didn't work and the cancer spread rapidly.  It's a disgusting, hideous disease that takes and destroys everything.

    It does help a little to read and post on this site just to know people understand.

    X x x


  • Kay1892

    So sorry for your loss. It must have been awful to be told the response was good only for the cancer to  have spread. And, after still being quite active. It may not feel  like it, but the fact that she enjoyed her birthday, may be of some comfort.

    Losing your Mum is so hard to take - I know I lost mine just a few weeks ago. Though we are all affected in our own individual ways we all have that common link that our Mums' were our Best Friends'

    Hope you have got some good support.

    Best Wishes

  • Hi I lost my mum to sclc in August 2018 she was only 60 yrs old.they started chemo right away which was working the oncologist said from the beginning she  was gunna do preventative radiation on her brain.they did a brain scan which showed a small lesion but we were told it was nothing to be concerned about that it wasn't cancer about 6 weeks later my mum had a seizure at home.she was taken to hospital they did another brain scan and unfortunately it was everywhere I miss my mum I spoke to her everyday I visit her grave every couple of days still in disbelief I hate cancer so much.