lost my Mam

My Mam died on the 22nd September aged 73. She was diagnosed with lung cancer and secondary bone cancer on 21st July. I just feel so lost without her. Everything happened so quickly. She spent the last week of her life in Hospital and my 2 sisters and I sat with her. Watching her deteriorate so quickly was unbearable and I just kept telling her it was ok to leave us but now she’s gone I feel so guilty for saying those words and would give anything to have her back. The care she and our family received from Cancer Unit at the hospital was amazing. I feel so sad all of the time I don’t sleep well as I dream about her every night. Everyone keeps telling me things will get easier I just can’t see how

  • My Mam also died from cancer in hospital.  I always called her Mam being born and bred in Sunderland.  Telling your Mam she could leave was a kindness and most probably made things easier for her.  Grieving has different forms and timespans for each person.  Keep talking about your Mam and let your feelings out.  I am no expert on anything and am really just trying to give you a cuddle in writing!  You might like to contact Cruise the bereavement counseling charity of whom there are good reports.  Keep talking with your sisters and other family members.  In my experience you still feel the pain even after some time but it becomes a smaller part of your everyday life and apart from anniversaries and other significant dates it becomes less debilitating. Acceptance does come but only gradually.  Best wishes.