Loss of my mum to cancer

My Mum passed away 10 weeks ago because of cancer, had half her right lung removed and had the all clear and within 12 months she’s gone, I’m the only child and since her passing I’m finding it difficult to come to terms with, also what way I’m meant to feel or act, I could happily just stay in bed 24/7 as I can’t deal with people on a daily basis, very rarely I shed a tear now as I’m all cried out, but get strong emotions as in stay in bed or don’t leave my home, any input would be greatful

  • Hi Slater 

    Very sorry to hear about your Mum’s passing. 

    I’m assuming she sadly died from lung cancer? My Mum had the same and also didn’t make it x 

    Don’t be so hard on yourself...there isn’t really a correct way to be feeling right now. However......I think a really good idea would be for you to visit your GP to tell them how you’re feeling. They will be able to help you. 

    I’m not medically qualified by the way...but I think it a little concerning that you stay in bed and don’t leave your home and when you say you can’t face people...there may be something other than grief at play there and...that something could be making your grief feel worse and can be treated. 

    Do you work or study, Slater? If you don’t mind my asking - how old are you? 

    Lots of people who feel like you give up things they enjoy...because they don’t feel motivated to do them anymore. I think the trick is to force yourself to do something you enjoy as often as you can...perhaps starting off small (I.E an activity that doesn’t require much effort and for a small amount of time). 

    Be good to hear back from you. 

    Take care and hope you’re doing ok x x


  • Hey,

    This post really makes me want to help but i dont know what to say. It sounds like youre really finding it so so hard.

    I lost my mum on the 12th from Myeloma which is marrow bone cancer. She had the all clear 2 time before and this third time she was ill she was on this new treatment which would give her an amazing expectancy. First time it stopped working, second time was the last resort and did nothing.

    I'm really stuggling and I'm not saying I know how you feel but at the moment im also just wanting to be in bed and avoid everyone. I'm finding it easier after forcing myself to get up and do things.where I live. Usally its jus a walk but it helps. I also just try to call or text people about anything really. 

    I dont know how this will help if it does. Everything takes time, even if its a while.