Losing my Mum

I lost my Mum in July 18. She was my Rock x I suffer with Anxiety and mild depression which has gone through the roof over the last 3 months!! Panic attacks, can not eat!, avoided everyone, phone calls from friends! The list goes on! 

Can anyone relate to my experiences!? And does it get any better really!!??



  • Hello Tuckshop49; welcome to the forum.  Sorry about you losing your mum.  I think you will find similar anxiety attacks amongst other posters who have lost a loved parent.    If you would like to communicate with some of them this may help you. On the blue banner above your post click on Search Forum;  If you type the words "lost my mum" (or something similar) in the box which opens up you will see a list of similar posts.   Pick some of the most recent ones - so you know they are likely to be still online - and write to the ones with whom you feel most empathy.  It is many years now since I lost my mum (and my dad).  I don't know how old your mum was when she died or whether she died far too young; my mum was 70 when she died from cancer which was far too young in my estimation.  You  never totally get over losing a parent but over the years you come to terms with it.  I still "talk" to my mum and hear (in my mind) what she might say to me.  Loved family members - and friends - are always in your heart.  Have you spoken to your GP about the problems you are having - it might be a good idea to do so as you need to be able to eat, sleep etc in order to keep going.  I hope others may see your post and contact you but as I explained you can find people and contact them yourself.  Best wishes.  Annie