looking for any help to come to terms with my prognosis

hello - I found out I have a brain tumour  just over 4 months ago. After the surgery i was given a 12 to 18 month prognosis. I started a 6 week cycle of radio and chemo almost immediately, but the subsequent scan showed the tumor had grown. I have now started further cycles of higher dose chemo.

Physically, Ifeel well but the tumor has reduced my eyesight and that has impacted some of the things I would normally do to keep myself busy.

The prognosis was and still is a huge shock and I know I need any in-sight or help offered.  Thanks

  • Hi Gary

    Just wanted to welcome you to the forum though am sorry for the reason that brings you here. I really do not know how you come to accept a prognosis such as this but do hope you have family and friends who are there to help you along the way.  My husband had a terminal prognosis from day one of diagnosis (to say that is shattering is putting it mildly) though a different cancer to yours (Mesothelioma caused by  asbestos).

    He found it almost impossible to talk about so that led me here.  If I learnt anything from our three year journey (he died at the beginning of January this year) it was to take small steps, day by day, and we adjusted to his needs as and when they occurred (trying not to assume/second guess was very difficult as the 'watcher'). 

    I hope others will be along to offer their own ideas shortly (the weekends can be a little quieter) but if you would like to talk on a more personal level the nurses on this site are available 9-5 Mon to Friday and its free from UK landlines and some mobile networks. Regards Jules54

  • Hi Gary,

    Thank you for sharing your story, you are going through a very difficult time with your eye sight and I'm so sorry to hear that the tumor is growing.

    There are many people on this site that will be able to give you support and advice.

    I do hope that ther higher dose does help put a stop to the growth or even shrink it.

    Take Care and all the best 

    Nat x

  • hi gary just to say you are in my thoughts .By the time my husbands cancer was pronounced terminal he really didnt care any more .At the same time I found I had a small cancerous lump in my breast hopefully all out now. I know its hard to  its hard to stay positive. I hope the higher dose helps take care x Judanne

  • Hi Gary

    I am sorry to hear about your prognosis. I will pray for you. Please anytime that you want to talk just contact me even if its about anything...




  • Hi Gary ...... and welcome to the forum. I am in the same situation as you - though with breast cancer which has spread to my liver, abdominal nodes, clavicle and brain.  I had cyberknife treatment to the brain 3wks ago which is targeted radiotherapy. I have been on chemo for about 3yrs now but started a very toxic regime 2wks ago and have my second cycle on Friday of this week.

    I really dont know how you come to terms with things - I try not to think about it and am sort of in denial I suppose.  Today it was my sons birthday and I found it difficult to hold my emotions (although I managed it!) because I know it will probably be the last time that I am here to celebrate with him.  When I have days like today, I keep telling myself that I am really lucky to be with him.  I find it a great comfort and support to be part of the online community here and I hope you do too. Please come and talk whenever you need to.  Take care my friend x

  • Hi Gary = wow I found your first post really sadening. I am sorry you find yourself in this situation = its terrible. Welcome to talk it over here - in a compunity of caring, peaceful people who do understand from the inside. We will be thinking about you today as we go on our walk. All I can say is - I admire your bravery in the face of a terrible shock.

    all  the best


  • Thanks for your thoughts and my condolences for your breavement.  Your advice about taking small steps sounds sensible as trying to take everything onboard at once and what may or may not happen is over whelming.


  • Thanks for your best wishes.  Although it currently feels like this is only happening to me I know my situation will not be unique and I hope I can offer support to some as well as receive it for myself.   Gary

  • Thanks for putting me in your thoughts.  I work to be positive about the continuing treatments.

    Best wishes Gary

  • Thank you Marius.   Best wishes Gary