Looking for advice on ENT appointment

Hey everyone,



Im new here and never thought i would be posting here but due to unfortunate circumstances here I am.


Long story short, I experienced 3 bouts of what felt like viral tonsillitis in october 2019 through to december 2019 that after 2 weeks would clear up. Being a stubborn 18 year old I thought nothing of it and assumed everything would clear up and go back to normal but this wasn't the case. My left tonsil had swollen after December and hasn't changed. Initially I thought it would clear up on its own and I had nothing to worry about but the longer I left it the more concerning symptoms showed up. I started to find more hard, immovable lumps developing under my jaw and on the back of my neck Including swollen lymph nodes that refuse to swell down. In addition to a persistant sore throat and fatigue, I decided it was time to see a GP.


I've now been urgently referred to an ENT for concerns about cancer. I was under the impression that they would normally try antibiotics before a referral so does this mean they're more concerned about what could be going on?


I also just wanted to know what to expect at my appointment as I may have to attend alone and its quite nerve racking, especially with covid. 


I do apologise for how long this post was and I'd appreciate any help or even just to hear from people in similar circumstances.




  • Hi Bishy271, 


    Not exactly the same but I was referred to ENT after finding a lump in my neck.

    I hadn't had any infections or anything like that, it kind of came up out the blue.


    I'm sure some lymph node swelling can take a while to go down (dont quote me on that though), it sounds like they are just being thorough.


    I was offered antibiotics but all drs are different so I would try not to panic too much, although I know we all think the worst otherwise we wouldnt be here.


    At my 1st ENT appointment last week strangely enough the letter said I was aloud to take someone with me (which worried me) but all they did was feel the lumps in my neck, there were 2 trainees in there too which scared me at 1st walking into a room full of people. It was absolutely fine though and the dr was lovely and just decided what the next step was for me which was a ultrasound on neck and FNA (fine needle aspiration biopsy).


    I had that Friday and I have to wait patiently around a week for a phone call.


    Keep me updated please and all the best.



  • Hi Mom23!


    Thanks for your reply, its been quite reassuring.


    Another question I had was roughly how quick within the 2 weeks were you seen too? I want this anxious wait to be over ASAP.




  • The waiting is AWFUL isnt it! 

    I seen my Dr about the lumps on 18th August,

    I seen ENT on 3rd sept and I had the appointment the week after for the 18th Sept for the ultrasound.

    My hospital did send me a text first to say I had an appointments (didn't have when) but I received that before the letter.

    I'm just hoping my biopsy results don't take too long, it feel like a lifetime.

    I am glad you feel reassured.


  • Wow so I still have a fair wait ahead of me then! (was only reffered on Friday)

    so will the text outline the content off the appointment and then the letter confirm said appointment?

    Keep me updated on your biopsy results! the worst part of this all is the waiting :sad:

  • The ENT should be within 2 weeks (i think it may depend on location though).


    The text said it was a reminder that I had a ultrasound, i think I had the letter that same afternoon though or the day after. 


    I will keep you updated, please keep me posted too. 

  • Hi Bishy271.


    A couple of years ago I was referred urgently to ENT for a persistent sore throat.  My experiences were very similar to others, which makes me thinks there's a fairly standard protocol they put us through.


    At the first meeting, the consultant took a medical history, and then put an endoscope up my nose and used it to have a look around and examine my vocal chords as I spoke.  This wasn't at all uncomfortable.  


    He said he could seen nothing wrong, but (despite having my tonsils out when I was 6) there was a lot of tonsil tissue that he couldn't see past, so I should have an MRI.  It turns out that tonsil tissue regrowth is not uncommon, and usually not dangerous. 


    The MRI was about 10 days later.  It was OK but I was really glad when it was over.  Two weeks later I had the results: it was clear.  The consultant was by now pretty certain there was nothing wrong, but decided to carry out due diligence and ordered a "panendoscopy".  This is an endoscopy down the throat carried out under general anaesthetic.  The surgeon also took some biopsies at the same time.  


    The panendoscopy and biopsies all came back clear, so I was given a tentative diagnosis of gastric reflux while I'm sleeping. 


    Note that I didn't have any swollen nodes so I didn't get an ultrasound scan.  I suspect you will get an ultrasound of your nodes.  


    Note that head/neck cancer is practically unheard of in people aged 18, so the chances are that this is just some lingering virus.