Long wait for Oncotype - advice please

Hi all,

Just recovering from mastectomy at the end of Jan. Diagnosed with stage 2 grade 2 ER+ / HER2- breast cancer. Lymph nodes were clear - yay!! 

Pretty much told by my surgeon that surgery is the end of it and I'll just need Tamoxifen. I saw the oncologist last week and now have long wait for Oncotype result.  Everyone is saying it's a nailed on low risk of recurrence which is obviously brilliant but I'm so unsure about NOT having chemo. Basically the surgeon, oncologist and breast nurse all thought I was a bit mad for wanting chemo even if low risk of recurrence. I'm only 45 with 2 kids and feel as if I want to throw the kitchen sink at it now so I can be at peace knowing I couldn't do any more. Does anyone have any advice for me before I see the oncologist again?

many thanks,

A x

  • Morning, 

    personally I would listen to your health care professionals. You risk is low, that's the first thing. Chemo isn't a watertight guarantee that's the second thing. Also chemo isn't to be taken lightly, I would have happily not had it if my onco had said so. Unfortunately my cancer type was aggressive...

    Ultimately it's your decision, but listen to what your onco says again, ask what's the chance of a microscopic cell floating in your blood stream...don't forget chemo comes with a whole host of potential problems, it's left me with neuropathy....

    good luck x

  • hi ayne 

    I completely get were you are coming from i was diagnosed at the beginning of january with invasive ductal caricoma er and pr positive stage 1, grade 1 provisional my hers2 was borderline, I had lumpectomy and sentinel node surgery 3 weeks ago, and actually get my full path results and treatment plan today. I'm 32. I know I need raidiation and tamoxifen but unsure on chemo,my hers came back border off the ihc and then the fish which is uncommon as the fish is either positive or negative they did mention the oncodx but I'm unsure wethor this was ever sent simply because it doesnt need to be sent if my hers is positve as i would be having chemo anyway, my consultant told me initially that it was a small slow growing cancer and highly treatable but since having tests alot of my results having come back contradicting this my ki-67 is high my hers is border and these suggest a faster more aggressive cancer. I'm unsure till later this afternoon if my lymphs and margins are clear, I'm in the same mindset as you I would have double mastectomy chemo raidiation my ovarys removed the lot if offered as I feel this would give me the best outcome,logically i know that I'll be offered the best treatment for my cancer wethor it be all of the above or only some of them but still in the back of your mind you just want everything that is available. 

    I hope you get the results you want and your treatment goes smoothly whatever it will be, fingers crossed my news this afternoon will all be good xx