Long wait for breast biopsy results. Anyone else ?

This is my first time posting here and just hoping for a little bit of optimism I had breast biopsies done just over 2 weeks ago now and haven't had my results. I called the clinic this morning and they said my results will be discussed at the MDT meeting on the 23rd which will be just over 3 weeks since I had them done. My process of thought is that because it's been a 3 week wait that the news is good and the results just aren't being seen as a priority or that due to COVID it's just taken a bit longer. I just want to ask has anyone waited this long and still had a cancer diagnosis? 

  • Hi,

    My first time posting as well. I'm in the same boat and that's why I came on here. I got the biopsy done and the said I would get the results in 10-14 days it will be 3 weeks on Thursday and I can't decide if it's good, bad, delays with covid or normal to wait this long. Was hoping to hear from anyone else that's been through it. 

  • Thank you for replying . Yes very much the same boat I will be 3 weeks next Monday since mine. Most people on here got an appointment to go back 2 weeks after biopsy for results which I didn't get, I am in Scotland though so not sure if this is just something they do in England. Have you called your clinic for an update ? 

  • I am in Scotland too. I haven't phoned them yet, but think if I haven't heard on Thursday I will. They said they would phone with the results but with it taking so long and reading things on here, I don't know whether to phone them or my GP or if it will come in the mail. This part is harder than waiting for the clinic appointment. Please let me know if you hear anything

  • I will let you know, let me know if you hear anything too. I called the Gp on Friday and they told me that they don't have the results on their system. Very frustrating, hoping we both receive good news over the next week. Thinking 3 weeks is quite long if it was anything sinister so feeling hopeful for us both 

  • Hi, just wanted you to know I got a phone call from the hospital this morning to say it was benign. Not sure how I feel yet, obviously it's a huge relief but I have been worried and stressed for 3 weeks that it's not sunk in. They did tell me that they only had the meeting yesterday to review and discuss my results which was 20 days after the biopsy. I will receive a letter soon with more information. I really do hope that it's the same for you. Please let me know how you get on x

  • Aww that's fantastic news! I know what you mean but it will be such a relief after weeks of stress. I feel a lot more at ease now knowing that your results were good after waiting the same amount of time as me. Meeting for mine isn't until Tuesday so should hear after that but 99% sure  they are going to say the same. 
    I will let you know when I receive my results :) 

  • Hi, I'm in the same situation - hoping no news is good news. Did you get your results? x