Lobectomy - personal experiences please

Hi everyone, 

I am asking for information for my dad who was this Friday diagnosed with lung cancer. He is 54 years old, a smoker with COPD and asthma. 

To give a brief background, in July this year an enlarged lymph node was spotted on an x-ray and things have esculated from there. Following various tests we were told this friday that my dad has a 3.5cm tumor in the top part of high left lung and an enlarged lymph node lower down in the same lobe. They will operate before christmas to remove the full superior lobe of the left lung.

They have given the staging as T2a (or T4 as there is some shadowing behind the tumour that could either be infection or part of the tumour), N1 or 2 and M0. They have not yet given us an overall staging (although from my reading I suspect it to be 3a...) as they will carry out a biopsy whilst operating to get this. 

My dad would really like to hear any experiences on life after this procedure, what to expect and what the recovery is like. We know based on the spread to the lymph node that it's likely he will have chemotherapy, any information anyone can share about their own experience of this procedure / diagnosis would be really useful to us. 

Many thanks in advance!

Kelly (oldest of 3 daughters!)


  • Welcome to the forum Kelly although I'm sorry to hear your dad has been diagnosed with lung cancer.

    I know you're hoping to hear from others who have had this operation so I've had a quick look around the forum and found a few members for you to get in touch with [@Survivors]‍, [@Tapalmer]‍ who I see you've already connected with on one of their posts and [@edward1]‍. Now that I've tagged them in this post they will hopefully stop by soon to share their experiences with you.

    I've also included another discussion I found on the forum for you to have a look at as there are many more accounts from members who have had this procedure as well.

    I hope this all helps and feel free to give our cancer nurses a call about this as well. Their freephone number is 0808 800 4040 and are available Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    Best wishes to you both, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thanks very much Steph. Hope to hear from them soon and will take a look at that other discussion. 

  • Hi Kelly

    Hope your Dad is doing well, I don’t think I can really comment specifically as everyone is different , to me it’s been life changing mentally and definitely physically, you don’t realise how much oxygen your body needs to do simple tasks, just for example lifting something moderately heavy even after a few months in will drain your body , the tiredness is now starting to ease but this is like 6 months in , I have had amazing support from my wife who has been thier every step of the way as I’m sure you will be for your dad as it has also been emotionally draining for all kinds of reasons but as long as your dad tries to stay positive as much as he can he will end up in a good place as I have but that is only through the support I have had, 

    i sincerley hope your Dad does well , pass on my regards and wishes.

    It’s easier said than done but stay positive regardless , walking has helped me , it just lets my mind wonder and I’m not stuck in looking at four walls.

    hope my comments may help.
