lletz procedure

Hello just asking for advice, I had the lletz procedure 5 days ago I have hpv and high grade cells cin3 which now I hope have been removed, since my procedure I haven't had any bleeding but I have been feeling alot less breathless and back ache I have no idea if these are related any advice please thankyou 

  • Hi I had this procedure back in September i had the same results you had also, I didn't bleed much straight away and didn't have any major complications back pain can be quite normal but if it persists always get symptoms checked, I felt a lot better after about 6 weeks I found the pressure felt much more lifted and o stopped peeing every 10 minutes lol they took the majority of the cervix away more than i thought as I went for my follow up smear today and they said they had a good go with the LLETZ treatment lol (youve probably been told to have one 6 months after your last smear date?) I advise monitoring your symptoms and if you have any persistent symptoms after 6 weeks then contact the gp, obviously heavy bleeding or severe pain etc get advice as soon as possible. I hope all goes well for you xx

  • Thanks for replying, I have the heavy inside feeling so glad to hear it does pass, I have started bleeding lightly today and still have back pain. I'm awaiting my results from my lletz procedure fingers crossed they have taken it all away 

  • Aw good luck for you results! The LLETZ is quite an affective treatment option and I'm pretty sure your in good hands! The waiting is the hardest bit I waited and my toes curled when they letter came through but it had all been removed i hope you have the same outcome and all goes well.