LLETZ procedure


I just had my LLETZ procedure today. I've read on here some people said they didn't feel it. Are you suppose to not feel it?? 

I felt the speculum, the injections (all 4) and when they were carrying out the procedure it felt like a long dull period pain!! I am hoping I haven't got to have another one because to me it was not nice. 

I'm not sure if that's normal or not, and maybe it made a difference as I am on my period too!? 

Any advise would be great. 

I must stress this was only my experience and this should not stop anyone getting there smears, colposcopy or LLETZ procedures. It's still very important no matter what the experience.


  • Dear Kellie thank you for your post and for sharing your experience of having a LLETZ procedure.

    I think it is fair to say that some people might not feel anything , except the initial injection of local anaesthetic and a few will report that it was very painful. However, what you describe is what many women will feel.  The thing is this is a invasive procedure so it is likely to be uncomfortable for the majority of people.

    Attending for your cervical screening and having any treatment that is needed greatly reduces the risk of ever developing cervical cancer. 

    Take care,



  • Hi Kellie

    I had my LLETZ procedure today and apart from the injection it did not hurt at all... I wonder why you felt like that..?

    Did you have colposcopy before lletz? And if yes what were the reaults?

    After my colposcopy the biopsy results that came back as CIN2. 

    The weird thing is that initial smear test showed mild or low grade dyskaryosis and then colposcopy showed CIN2...

    I hate it that now after LLETZ we have to wait again for the results.. I cannot help but think that I might have a more serious issue like CIN3 or sth worse...

    When will you get your biopsy results? 

  • Hi Love, 

    Im not sure why I felt it, it was like a dull shooting pain up towards my lower stomach, I'm wondering if maybe the anesthesic wasn't full active, the last 5 minutes of him sealing the area I didn't feel but the first 15 minutes definitely felt something, it wasn't pain but wasnt numb either!  


    So I had my smear and they called me to book a colposcopy, I never received the leaflet as they called on a Tuesday and I went in on the Wednesday morning. I read online and assumed I was going in for a colposcopy or biopsy. 


    When I went in the doctor informed me I had high grade results from my smear which means I had moderate abnormal cells he advised he didn't need to do a biopsy as he could see from my smear, he then just went straight in for the LLETZ! They told me the way they do things has changed and they can now see from a smear whether you need a LLETZ! Not sure how true that is? 

    They carried out the LLETZ and have sent what they removed away and told me I will receive results in 3 weeks which will advise if I have to go in for another LLETZ or if they got it all! 


    I am hoping I don't have to have anymore as now I know what to expect if I do!