Living with someone who has cancer

Hi, I am 17 year old. I am in a famiy of 5, my 2 sisters, mum and dad. My dad who is 45 has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

So first ill tell you a little about my story. 2 Years ago my dad was diagnosed with cancer, We traveled for surgery and then he had chemo after. The ran a couple test and aparently it was all gone. A couple weeks ago he started feeling off and he went for a scan. Skip foward to now he has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Aparently it has spread everywhere. Hes told he has around 2 years to live and any treatment will only slow the cancer not cure it.

It feels like all hope is lost. 2 years ago there was hope that it would be cured. I am still in the stage of processing it. My whole family is shocked. However my father seems to process this all fine. He said he has had time to process it.

I feel myself floating over the world. Sometimes i feel like nothing is real like im all in a dream. And most of the time i find myself furious, angry and fustrated at everything. I also try to live normallly as nothing as wrong. But this doesnt work. My mother who is the one in the most pain. it seems like all our family friends are fake when they say they are sorry and things like that. I feel fustrated at everything she says for some reason. I also find i have no one to talk to but my mother. And some days i have this guilty feeling in my stomach but i should have nothing to feel guilty for. I just feel like im drowing but everyone else is swimming.

So thats it all sumed up. Im not really sure if you post to the forum for answers to questions i just posted because it feels good to say everything im thinking.

  • Hello LakemanJ; I am so sorry that you are suffering so much and that it appears you will lose your dad before too long.  Would you like us to put you in touch with other young people who are/have been in your awful situation and who have posted here?  There are also charities that may help you; being charities they are stretched for cash and it may take them a little while to get back to you.  Look up riprap ( which has a forum specifically for young people who have a terminally ill parent. Another is Hope Support Services ( for young people with a seriously ill parent.  Please do also keep posting here if you find it helpful.     Annie