Living with breast cancer - mum and me

Hi everyone, 

I'm looking for some advice. Mum was diagnosed with breast cancer 4 years ago. After beating the cancer ive noticed that my mum can't move forward with her life. She doesn't go out and lost so much weight. She gave her job up when she was diagnosed and hasn't returned since. 

She is a strong independent woman who never likes to show her feelings but I'm so worried she is just going to stay in the house forever. 

I will never understand how she feels and I can only imagine it's even worse after you have survived because of the thought of if it returns. I just don't know how to help. 

  • Hello Donnahop, 

    Welcome to the forum although I'm sorry to hear that Mum is struggling with these things. 

    It's not uncommon for people to struggle to move forwards with their lives after dealing with cancer. The fear of it returning is something that I think a lot of our members here will be able to identify with. The side effects of treatment and/or of altered body image from surgery can all have a physical, psychological and emotional implications on how someone is or isn't able to move forwards. 

    I'm presuming from your post that Mum hasn't sought any support from her GP or talked about her difficulties to her Dr/Nurse at hospital follow ups? Do you think that Mum would make an appointment to see her GP if you explained to her just how worried you are? It may be that some counselling might help her. 

    If you'd like to talk to one of our team of nurses for some support or advice then you are most welcome to call then Donna. Or indeed if Mum would like to speak to one of them. They are available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040 (free to call from a UK landline). 

    Please do let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator