Living a life


Currently in a good place with my cancer,it's not aggressive and on a watch and wait approach...but how do you live with a ticking bomb!!! I know I should be grateful ,and I am ,feeling guilty others have things much worse anxiety and depression weigh me down ...any suggestions ??? Especially at night ??


  • Hi Paula, 

    I'm glad to hear you're in a good place with your cancer but can understand why you may be finding it difficult to cope with the watch and wait approach.

    I noticed you said you are feeling guilty, but please believe me when I say you have nothing to feel guilty about Paula. Everyone's cancer experiences are different and regardless of what stage you are at they are all just as valid as each other so please try not to be too hard on yourself and compare yourself to others. 

    The forum is open 24 hours a day so pop on and talk to us whenever you feel like your anxiety and depression are getting the better of you at night time as you'll find many of our members do the same and I'm sure some of them will pop by soon to offer their support and advice but in the meantime do feel free to give our cancer nurses a call. Their freephone number is 0808 800 4040 and are available Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • This is the time where you start thinking about yourself! If you're feeling anxiety and depression regarding this it might be a good idea to come in contact with someone who can help you through this and maybe prescribe something that would take the edge off your anxiety. There's no shame to be felt there, but you're causing yourself unecessary stress that isn't good for you and there are many members on here who have taken anti-anxiety medication and found that it does the trick. In the meantime, remember that you're being regularly monitored - this is really very good, as it's less of a ticking timebomb, and more of a "when is the toddler going to knock off the vase off the table so that we can start clean-up?". 



  • Many thanks for your words of advice .In life I do tend to want to be in control and it's a new experience having no control at all ...your right ,I will try not to overthink and trust in the monitoring process.

    Thanks for the hug too xx