Liver pain help

Hi, my husband has metastatic melanoma, he has lots of infected lymph nodes all around his body but the main concern at the moment is his liver and abdomen area. Has anyone any ideas/ tips for keeping this area warm. We’re trying the usual, warm water to drink, hot bot wrapped in a towel on his tummy, soup, but he gets really bad bouts of pain and discomfort, any thoughts would be welcome. Thank you.

  • Hello Shar59,

    I am so sorry to hear your husband is getting pain and discomfort in his liver and abdomen area. I just wanted to let you know, I have asked our lovely nurses to come and respond to your message.

    I am sure they will have some helpful tips for you to keep this area warm based on their knowledge and experience. So stay tuned, they will respond very soon (within the next few days). 

    Best wishes,

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Shar59

    Unfortunatly I have experienced liver failure many years ago due to a bile duct injury during an operation.  No over the counter medication helped me and I ended up on morphine patches for a few months.  Occasionally I have the pain back when there is a blockage in my new bile duct and the pain is excruitating.  I have tried everything going, however the only thing that helps at this stage is a hospital stay and regular morphine.

    Maybe try some oramorph at home and see if anything like that can get on top of it.

    There really is no pain like it..... Even childbirth was easier than dealing with this.

    Good Luck


  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    I am sorry to hear about your husband's situation.

    I am not sure that anything else in terms of applying direct heat can be suggested. An electric overblanket might help. I don't think anything rubbed in would be advisable. 

    A community district nurse may be able suggest something. In terms of pain control, you could ask his GP to refer your husband to the local Macmillan (palliative care team) for advice on helping with this pain and discomfort. Pain from a swollen liver can often be helped by a short course of oral steroids. There may well be other painkillers that would help, and also indirectly reduce the need for heat to the area.

    I hope that you are able to get some help with this soon.

    Best wishes,
