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Liver cancer

I was diagnosed with liver cancer in December and only had 6 months. I have been offered chemo tabs but don't like the sound of the side effects. Somebody said about cannabis oil and would like to find out more.

  • Hi Sheshe and welcome to the forum although I'm sorry for the reason you are posting.

    I know you would like to find out more about cannabis oil so I just thought I'd jump in first to let you know that cannabis oil is not legal in the UK because it contains the mind-altering substance THC. However, hemp (or CBD) oil is legal in the UK as it has extremely low levels of THC so doesn’t have any mind-altering effects.

    Scientists have been working hard to understand the potential benefits of using molecules found in cannabis (cannabinoids) to treat cancer for a while now and whilst research is on-going there isn’t enough reliable evidence to prove that cannabinoids – whether natural or synthetic – can effectively treat cancer in patients at the present time, as discussed in this very interesting blog article

    I hope you find this information helpful Sheshe.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator