
My partner was diagnosed with Liposarcoma he has just finished a 5 week course of radiotherapy.He feels a lot of pain and discomfort since his radiotherapy stopped . This whole process has given me great concern as I have already lost a partner to cancer some years ago (lung cancer ) just the word cancer scares me .Can anyone tell me if this type of cancer is curable please 


    Hi Maish,

    Life often seems so unfair - bad enough to go through this once without having to go through it all again. Most of us on this site arecancer pilgrims ourselves and have little or no medical knowledge.

    I would suggest that you phone the nurses on this site and discuss the possible prognosis with them. It is free to phone and they are very helpful.

    We are here to offer both you and your partner any support you may need. Please let us know how things go and don't hesitate to get back to us if you want to discuss things.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jolamine Thank you for getting back to me , I just wanted to know if there is anyone else here who has myxiod liposarcoma and what to expect . If there is anyone who can help please get back to me I feel so alone in this right now so helpless out of control on what to do to support my partner .
  • Hi Maish, 

    I've had a search through the forum for posts with myxoid liposarcoma and the most recent one we have I have linked for you here

    If you post on that thread there is a chance that one of the member who has previously commented may get a notification and pop online to respond to you. 

    We do also have a team of nurses here at Cancer Research UK that you can call to talk to and they may be able to help with some information. They are available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator