Life after stage 1 tongue cancer 30yrs old


I wonder if there are any other people on here in a similar situation to me. I was diagnosed with Tongue cancer (HPV neg) just over a month ago and in that time have had the tumor removed and part of my tongue reconstructed, as well as neck dissection. Fortunately my cancer was T1N0M0 and I don't require any further treatment. Whilst i'm hugely relieved at this news, it has been a lot to process. I was anxious before this but am now struggling to get my thoughts back on track. I am worrying about whether I can (or should) continue to have a few glasses of wine a week? Is it safe to start a family? How will I learn to live with the uncertainity of whether cancer will come back or a new cancer forming? They don't know why I got this cancer, I had no risk factors and in some ways this makes it harder for me to accept. Even writing this I feel guilty as I know I am incredibly lucky to have the diagnosis I have. 

Would be great to hear from anyone is a similar situation. 

  • Hello Mia1234

    I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I hope that you're recovering well physically from your surgery and it's great to hear that no further treatment was needed. 

    We've quite a few members here who have had different oral cancers including [@RadioactiveRaz]‍ . [@crofterlad]‍ , [@Taff123]‍ and [@Anchor1707]‍ . All these members are post-treatment and living life to the full. Many of them have written their own personal blogs about their journeys and it may help you to have a look at some of their posts and blogs. 

    I think the thoughts and concerns you've described are common among many people who have had a cancer diagnosis. Life never quite returns to how it was before and it takes time to adjust to this new normal.

    Talking certainly helps and I'd encourage you to either get in touch with your local Maggie's centre to talk to one of their support specialists or to give our team of nurses a call on 0808 800 4040 (Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm). 

    It's also worth having a chat with your GP if you feel that you're struggling with your anxiety at the moment. 

    What I would say is be kind to yourself Mia. This part of the recovery process takes time; don't expect yourself to settle back into things too quickly. 

    Keep in touch. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi Mia

    I'm Ian (Anchor 1707) as mentioned by moderator and thought I would respond to try and help.

    I had tonsil cancer a couple years ago and after treatment and recovery I feel great and to be honest dont really give it a second thought now or look backwards.
    In my opinion you should live your life as you see fit and dont see any harm whatsoever of having a few glasses of wine a week and nor would there be any reason not to start a family if you wished.

    The fact you dont need anymore treatment is a positive state of affairs and you should really try to lead your life as normal now. you have had a little blip and the cure rates for our types of cancer means just that - cure and no reason to worry further if its going to come back as its been removed.

    Please dont feel guilty about anything at all. You have already been though treatment and are now worried about future.
    I cant speak for all but there are so many good news stories here with these types of cancer and the statistical rates of permanent cure are really high. I was told that from my consultant at the get go that he was aiming to cure and Ive remained positive since and lead a normal healthy life and dont have one worry at all in my head about it.

    You are still really young and in my own view you should live your life to the fullest and enjoy it as much as you care to.

    I hope this helps a little but please fel free to ask any questions or if you want to friend and chat, happy to do so if you feel it would help.

    Kind regards