Letrozole vs aromasin

I am new to this site. Was diagnosed with Stage I invasive ductal carcinoma in August. I had a lumpectomy in September with intraoperative radiation. Nodes were negative and margins clear. Specimen was ER and PR positive so was put on Letrozole. Lasted 3 month.... Nausea 24/7.... Like morning sickness. Just felt tired all the time  and had trouble sleeping. Went off it for a month and felt great, but my oncologist started me on aromasin.  Too early to tell, but hoping for less severe side effects. 

  • Welcome to Cancer Chat, CaptainK,

    I'm sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with stage I invasive ductal carcinoma in August.

    I hope that you will fare better with the new treatment your oncologist prescribed. Do keep us updated on how you are getting on if you find a moment.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi captaink

    Just wanted to stop by t say welcome t the forum.

    I too was diagnosed with BC in August last yr with lumpectomy in the Sept. Sorry can’t comment on your new Med - I was given Letrozole but been fine on it ( well apart from hot flushes - but they seem t b getting less and less).

    Hope the new meds continue t b ok:-). Know you are not alone in this and we r all here for u if u want or needs us. Take care Sandra x

  • I had exactly the same diagnosis & treatment as yourself, I've just got to mth 6 with Letrozol & seem to have every side effect on the list - totally lost the real me.... that said I just had my first check up with the oncologist yesterday & they've taken me off for 6 weeks & after ill start aromasin.  Wish you lots of luck:)